Egypt: Following Egypt's nationwide "Day of Revolt," in which three demonstrators and one police officer died, the government banned all gatherings (BBC), protests, and marches. Some dissenters began gathering again on Wednesday despite the ban, but it's unclear whether mass protests will continue for a second day.
Iraq: Heritage Oil, an independent oil exploration company, announced the discovery of the largest gas field in Iraq (Bloomberg) in more than thirty years. Located in Iraq's Kurdistan region, the field could be worth up to $2.7 billion according to company estimates.
China: In an unusual meeting at China's central complaints department (Guardian), the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao listened to criticism, urging petitioners don't hold anything back. Some critics have dismissed the display as propaganda, while other argue it is the first time a premier has met petitioners face to face since the Communists took power.
If a politician "bans" me it will be the last thing it ever does.