Monday, April 18, 2011

The People's Republic of San Francisco Wants Venue Owners to Take Pictures of All Patrons

The San Francisco Entertainment Commission wants to require all venues with an occupancy of over 100 people to record the faces of all patrons and scan their ID’s for storage in a database which they must hand over to law enforcement on request.

The Electronic Freedom Foundation notes what one would think is obvious:
Events with strong cultural, ideological, and political components are frequently held at venues that would be affected by these rules. Scanning the ID’s of all attendees at an anti-war rally, a gay night club, or a fundraiser for a civil liberties organization would have a deeply chilling effect on speech. Participants might hesitate to attend such events if their attendance were noted, stored, and made available on request to government authorities.


  1. It might have a chilling effect.

    Or, it might cause attendees to wear Guy Fawkes masks.

    Please do ignite the revolution, San Francisco!

  2. "...a deeply chilling effect on speech. Participants might hesitate to attend such events if their attendance were noted, stored, and made available on request to government authorities."

    That's what I said about the government street cameras that were put up all around my city too. Just like having a cop car follow you around all day. The reply I always got was, get used to it.

    I wonder if we will see People wearing face painting as shown half-way down this article:

    Fool Facial Recognition Technology

  3. Seeing as it is unlawful to wear a mask in public, they have you either way you choose to go.

  4. Isn't "People's Republic" synonymous with "Totalitarian Dictatorship"? That should be pretty much obvious to everybody after the 20th century.

  5. This might violate the right to peaceably assemble. But then again, who cares about the Constitution anyway? Certainly not government.

    This case is different from all the cameras everywhere, they don't collect your identity, just your mug shot. Having a list of all the driver's licenses, say, of event attendees is much more intrusive and subject to abuse than pictures of a crowd.

  6. Attendance at "Gentlemens Clubs", you know strip joinst would fall to like zero.

  7. Here in Oregon the goobermint has floated the idea of installing GPS units in cars to monitor the number of miles people drive in their cars, and taxing them on mileage instead of gasoline use - the people hate the idea of big brother watching their every move in their cars. They also hate the fact that it would reward people who drive gas hogs and penalize those who drive fuel efficient vehicles.

    Now that electric cars are coming out the state wants to tax people on the mileage they drive those because they don't use gasoline and therefore don't pay gas tax. All they have to do is tax the electricity, or tax the car once per year, but no, the state wants to KNOW how much you drive and if possible WHERE you drive.

    Oregon government is run by a bunch of idiots. Kind of like most of the rest of government. Our government is out of control, but the mathematics of the debt will put them in their place soon enough - unfortunately it will do the same to the decent people as well.
