Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trump: My Tax Returns for Obama's Birth Certificate

Really, I'm ordering extra popcorn for this presidential election cycle.

During an interview conducted by ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Trump told
Maybe I'm going to do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate ... I'd love to give my tax returns. I may tie my tax returns into Obama's birth certificate.
Trump accused Stephanopoulos of being “co-opted” by the President.

Trump also said his top issues were China and OPEC. His attack on OPEC is based on the rising price of oil, which means Trump does not understand basic supply and demand economics or the role that the Federal Reserve plays in increasing food and energy prices.


  1. " Trump does not understand basic supply and demand economics or the role that the Federal Reserve plays in increasing food and energy prices."

    +1 to that....

    He doesn't understand peak oil either.

  2. Seriously? Bread and circuses, anyone? What next, is Trump going to appear in a gladiator outfit and call out Obama in the Coliseum? How about a Pay-Per-View wrestling event?

    Obama was bad enough, but do we have to put up with THIS? How low can this idiot go?

  3. George S should be fired for that interview.

    He is arrogant and rude.

    He constantly interrupted Trump.

    He was argumentive. He was forcing his agenda. And ABC must support George's interogation.

    ABC is dog manure.
