Monday, May 9, 2011

The Mysterious Large Blue Banner at EPJ

An EPJ reader from a major investment bank (and there really is only one major investment bank) writes:

I frequently read your site and I’ve noticed that there is always a large blue banner that covers up the top of the website and causes me to be unable to read the first article. I wanted to make you aware of this in hopes that it can be fixed.

Thanks and I really enjoy reading your site.
Is any one else seeing this blue banner? Or is the banner just another way for this bank to expand the way it does God's work?


  1. Its probably a java script that is being prevented from running by the bank's firewall or content filter. If they didn't want employees to read EPJ, the would just block the site all together.

  2. I've never seen this blue banner on any device I use to read your site.

  3. I get the same at work here in the UK on Internet Explorer, a plain blue patch covering the top six inches or so of the screen. At home using Firefox there's no patch.

  4. My guess is that this person is reading your blog from work and his IT department blocks certain content so he sees a blue block where your title banner should be. I get it too at work and it blocks the first few lines.

  5. I too really enjoy reading your site, but I've never seen a large powder blue banner obscuring the first article.

  6. negative on big blue

  7. I have seen it when using IE behind some kinda content blocker I also really enjoy the site

  8. I was getting an error last week consistently from Adobe Flash (I run Chrome browser on OS X) telling me that a "dangerous operation" had been detected and shut down. If I wanted to allow it to go though, I should change my settings. I think that happens on certain ads that redirect to other sites. This could be related to what others are seeing.

  9. I use Chrome and have never had any issues with this.
