Thursday, June 30, 2011

The $99,864,731.94 ATM Receipt

Someone  withdrew $400 from an ATM in the Hamprtons earlier this month. The person left the receipt behind which showed  a remaing balance of $99,864,732.94.

According to NyPo,source identified the account holder as billionaire  hedge-fund manager and Appaloosa Management chief David Tepper.

Tepper,however, denies it was his. He told Deallbreaker he "hadn't used an ATM since Lehman," whose collapse helped set off the 2008 financial crisis. Contacted by NyPo, Tepper scoffed that he's too sophisticated a money man to leave so much cash in a low-yielding account. "I would never do something as irresponsible as leaving $100 million in a savings account," he said.


  1. 400 dollars taken out at 10:14pm. Someone with a bad habit?

  2. @ Anon 9:43

    why how morally righteous of you...

  3. No, no, that isn't Tepper's account, it's mine. I'll fess up, I am the idiot that leaves $100 million in my savings. But, hey, I only leave $10 million in my checking.

  4. I smell ponzi scheme.

  5. Hmmm...I wonder if they limit his daily withdrawls to $1500....


    That being said, I'm eager to see how many of these clowns completely plugged into the fiat currency system have diversified into gold/silver.

    My guess is that we'll be able to tell if a full scale collapse hits and waiting to see which ones jump out of their highrise corner office buildings.

    If that happens I'll be watching the TV with a bag of popcorn personally...but some might say I'm cold.

  6. I would guess he is not a Ron Paul supporter. If he was it would not hurt to top the good doctor's fund to the five million. Tooooooooooo bad, if the account were mine, there would fun times ahead for Dr. Paul. By the way folks, it is not too late to send the gentleman a few bucks. A six pack worth each would do from a million of us.

  7. Scarlett, individuals are limited to donating no more than $2500 to any candidate's campaign.

  8. That's such an asinine amount of money in a savings account that it makes me wonder if it's part of a con/scam. "This stupid ATM will only let me take $400 out per day. If you'll get me another $400, I'll send you $1000 tomorrow. Here, take my receipt, here's my name and address, and you give me your name and address."

  9. Not only that (s)he had to pay an ATM fee on top of it. Not that it would worry anyone with that much money.

  10. Looks like someone doesn't trust their broker any more. After all, it seems that everyone is trying to rip you off everywhere you turn.

    So, when it's all said and done. The bank may seem the safest place. And with this amount on deposit, you can bet the return is alot better than the average customer with say only about one million on deposit.

    Banks make special deals for their largest account holders. Usually, guaranteed premium returns and collateral securities. Neither are never seen by even a moderately wealthy account holder.

    Funny though, the presumption is that this is all the money that this account holder has.

    Who is really the rich one? The professional sports player? Or, the person signing their pay check?

  11. Maybe it is in transit, just parked there while the arms deal with Iran, or the uranium deal with Syria is completed. That would suggest that it is a CIA account.

  12. I had that much money once...when I had a myspace account and played mafia wars.

  13. @Adam: "I had that much money once..."

    LOL, I once had $400...

  14. Really People! have nothing more to do than dwell on this kinda crap.... and I say what I say moronically (if that's a word) just cuz this kinda crap takes away from what should be our ... yes our ... meaning all of You and I... real priorities. Just saying...

  15. I for one think someone is up to no good. Somebody that has that much coin HAS to be smart enough to stick it somewhere to earn some money on it. Sorry boys and girls, whoever put it there wants it there for a reason, just not sure what that could be.
