Saturday, July 30, 2011

Martin Feldstein on What's Really Behind the Deficit Problem

My favorite establishment, insider economist, Harvard Professor Martin Feldstein tells it like it is with regard to the U.S. deficit, in the clip below. He is also pretty good on the eurozone crisis, although I don't know why he and other economists contend that a move to an independent currency will make these countries suddenly competitive in a way that can't be done by just allowing wages and other prices to adjust to market conditions within the eurozone.


  1. "although I don't know why he and other economists contend that a move to an independent currency will make these countries suddenly competitive ..."


    Because he speaks for the establishment and they want a one world currency and the government that will inevitably follow. If they get there by telling half truths then that is what they will do. I do not presume that their intent here is malicious. It's just "the only answer" as they see it. Much like we see free markets as the only answer.

  2. @ anonymous

    Feldstein is calling for the exact opposite, for the Greeks to leave the eurozone.

  3. Anonymous is correct. From here on the movement is for global government and the big players in that endeavor now have all the chips....control of every money instrument... to whiplash the rest of us into they think.

    Watch out for the wild card! Islam. The Sephardim think they have that checkmated but they miscalulated 1,000 years ago and it could happen again! Their global empire can be rent asunder by terror and war from both left and right here and religion elsewhere.

  4. @ RW

    So he does. But if I am not mistaken he calls for them to leave the Eurozone so that the greeks can be free to print their way out of the crisis.
