Saturday, August 20, 2011

The McLaughlin Group Discusses Ron Paul

What's fascinating is that every member of the group, including Eleanor Clift and neocon Mort Zuckerman, say at least some positive things about Ron Paul.

On a side note, Zuckerman needs to read Robert Murphy's The Politically Correct Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal, if he thinks capitalism caused the Great Depression.

(Via Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre(


  1. I swear Eleanor Clift has the most excruciating voice of any mainstream pundit. She makes watching the McLaughlin Group unbearable because of her continual need to interupt.

  2. It's astounding to realize how misinformed some of our country's elite, rich and brilliant minds are, to think that capitalism was responsible for the great depression and to be ignorant of the role of financial socialism and central banking in modern economies.

  3. Eleanor Clift's tendency to interrupt is bad, but, imho, not as bad as her historical inaccuracies, there's a lot of that going round these days though.

  4. the only women on the panel defending the welfare state....color me shocked.

  5. Bob-

    I posted a comment on this earlier this evening. Was there something wrong? I thought it went through.

  6. Zuckerman, a neocon, thinking Capitalism caused the great depression?

    Did we need more proof that neocons are just leftists in disguise? You can't get that Trotskyism out of them.

  7. By the way, Ron Paul has now raised over 1.6 million in his money bomb. That wasn't anything surprising, but the cyber attack on his site that took it down for several hours last night was! I think someone is getting extremely nervous at Paul's surging candidacy....

  8. How dare anyone say the founding fathers would have supported a welfare state. That is beyond disgusting. They are turning in their graves...

  9. These guys should read the politically incorrect guide but almost certainly won't. The nostrum that " 'unregulated capitalism' caused the great depression" is now as embedded in the population as "world war two ended the depression." The government run education system has now done it's job of brainwashing the masses and it needs to do nothing else. Which of course, is what it does!


  10. That was not as bad asI thought it would be.

    That said, those guys need to learn some history because they've got it totally wrong.

  11. Does Eleanor Clift ever take a vacation? This
    woman doesn't miss one week of being totally
    out of control of politics. Please Mr.
    McLaughlin' get someone else for a change!!!!
