Monday, August 8, 2011

Michael Moore: Matt Damon for President

TMZ reports:
Michael Moore wants Matt Damon to run for PRESIDENT -- not just because he believes in Matt's outspoken politics ... but because he believes Matt might actually WIN in 2012.

Michael spoke in an online seminar yesterday for -- and when asked who he thought would be a viable candidate in next year's election, Michael instantly replied, "Matt Damon."
Maybe Moore was impressed with Damon's logic here.


  1. I say:

    Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for President!

    Is it Idiocracy or Dumbocrazy?


  2. Maybe he's been watching too many movies, such as, Team America World Police:

  3. Oh god yes please.

    Please let Matt Damon run.

    If Ron Paul is not going to win, we may as well have some laughs along with the cries.

  4. Wenzel-

    Two Friday's ago I was thinking about RP and his chances of winning. I was running through various campaign ideas in my head when the date of the election popped into my head- November 8th. 'V for Vendetta' popped into my head at that point, and I thought if RP were to get the Republican nod, then we should have a "Remember the 5th of November" Activism bomb instead of a money bomb- where people across the country go to the streets handing out fliers and holding various demonstrations. Funny that the next morning, V for Vendetta was on FX.

    November 5th, 2012 is a ways away. However, the same thing could be done this November 5th in spurring attention for the primaries.

    Figured this was the best way to get that idea heard, being as you're on the board of the Revolution PAC. Hope you guys can do something with it.


  5. I hope he runs. It would be a complete clusterfuck on par with anything Sarah Palin ever did. It would be entertaining, at the very least.

  6. Hey, don't discount it - the American people did after all vote for Obama.

  7. In other Michael Moore-related news today, Moore exclaims he wants Obama to "show some guts" and arrest the CEO of S&P:

    .......Good god, if liberals like Moore have such opinions of pro-centralized power, then they shouldn't get angry when neocons are in office and use that same power for doing certain things that they (liberals) don't like. Same goes for the neocon versions of Michael Moore. /rant

  8. I think Michael Moore is funny.

  9. So Matt would run against his idol Obama? I don't think so.

  10. @Mick-

    Not a bad idea. Not bad at all.

    I'll bet it drives Moore (the author of V) nuts that conservative/anarcho-libertarians have taken his idea to heart moreso than his beloved socialist liberals.

  11. Here's another example of MM's thought process

  12. Onward, comrades!

  13. Moore is to movies what Krugman is to economics.

  14. If Obama could win - anyone can win in the US of A.

  15. If the Past Few Days Have You at Least a Little Worried... is one of the most enlightening pieces I've ever seen. The future is uncertain, but we can have real hope because the more people that read this, the more people will see the light and know what we have to do to get back on track.

  16. Yeah!!! Free cell phone minutes in every pot!

  17. The stupid child wants a stupid child as president....

  18. Moore is an anarchist, not a socialist.

  19. Damon as President, Trump as Treasury Secretary. Gosh... what's next? We're gonna bring in Shrek and Scooby-Doo?

  20. Huh?
    I thought Michael Moore was against the wars?

    Now he's asking the warmonger in chief for favors?

    Oh wait, he's a leftist. He's supposed to be a fraud and a hypocrite.

  21. This BS should be reserved for TMZ.

  22. Moore is right about S&P, they along with the other ratings agencies were partially responsible for the housing bubble. They should have been sent to prison years ago.

    What they did on Friday was actually correct for once.

  23. Why do people even follow rating agencies...Obviously they are fraudulent. Jail them on what charge? Free Speech? Guessing Wrong?

  24. I can't imagine anyone Confusing Moore for an anarchist. I wish he were, but on what grounds does one establish that view of him? In my view he's a fervent socialist.

  25. Filmmaker Michael Moore is a leftist and an american.

    Writer Alan Moore is an anarchist and an englishman. Alan Moore wrote the graphic-novel "V For Vendetta."

    Don't confuse the two Moores.

  26. Anon was referring to Alan Moore, the author of V.

    "I believe that all other political states are in fact variations or outgrowths of a basic state of anarchy; after all, when you mention the idea of anarchy to most people they will tell you what a bad idea it is because the biggest gang would just take over. Which is pretty much how I see contemporary society. We live in a badly developed anarchist situation in which the biggest gang has taken over and have declared that it is not an anarchist situation – that it is a capitalist or a communist situation. But I tend to think that anarchy is the most natural form of politics for a human being to actually practice."
