Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ron Paul "Weighing his Options" Over Debate-Blocking Presidential Speech

President Obama has scheduled his address to a joint session of Congress to discuss his plans for the economy at the same time as a scheduled Republican debate, September 7.

Salon's David Weigel has reaction from the Ron Paul campaign:

Something to watch, even though it might come to nothing: The Congressional Option that could scuttle President Obama's big speech next week. The president has requested a joint session of Congress in order to give a speech about the economy and jobs. Two current presidential candidates, Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul, are in Congress, and scheduled to appear at a debate at the same time Obama's speaking, on the opposite side of the country. And a member of Congress can object to the president's request.
So, will they? Paul's campaign got back to me first.
"Dr. Paul is weighing his options," says the congressman's campaign spokesman, Jesse Benton. "Our campaign, however, thinks it is undignified that the President of the United States would resort to such transparent tactics to step on our Republican debate. The real losers here are the American People who deserve the opportunity to hear from both the President and the GOP contenders."


  1. I love this answer.

  2. So let them go head to head on TV. When Obummer's ratings are lower, what will that say?

  3. Obama and the Administration are shaking in their boots about Ron Paul.

    I say Ron Paul and Michelle Bachmann should DEFINITELY block the POTUS.

    Barry Soetoro is a smooth talking, two-faced puppet whose loyalties like with his own bank account and political future.

    Obama doesn't care that the regulations and policies of Washington are damaging my business and the lives of my employees. There's only one man in the field who does....

    RON PAUL!!


  4. The petty action to schedule another Obama speech during a Republican debate is truly laughable.

    Yes, someone is desperate and it is not Ron Paul.

  5. I predict that the HuffPo title for this news story will be "Republican Candidate Calls Americans 'Losers'"

  6. This seems like an excellent chance for Paul to defy Obama and win the respect of mainstream Republicans.

  7. Why would anyone watch Obama talking about the economy? The guy hasn't got a clue. He's a lifelong parasite who made it to the White House because he was good at lying and sucking up to the right people. I think most people stopped caring about his speeches long ago. They are non-events. "Bla bla bla, God bless America."

  8. if the debate were postponed until right after the speech, guess what they would talk about during the debate?

  9. Jesse, says it well!

  10. Ignore the POTUS and spread the message of liberty. Obama and company and the state are all irrelevant. lol.

  11. Just move the debate schedule up a day or so and stick it to the pompous ass! Beat him at his own game.

  12. The establishment doesn't want perry to debate. if he opens his mouth people will see he is a sham.

  13. My first thought would be for Ron Paul not to worry because I would rather watch him than Obama any day, but then of course the real purpose of Obama;s timing is to prevent the TV networks from covering the debate, to keep Americans from hearing Ron Paul.

    Yes, this is dirty politics. Obama knows that if Ron Paul gets the GOP nomination, all Diebold's machines and all Diebold's men, can't put his Presidency back together again!

    Personally, if I were a network executive, and given that covering Presidential speeches is an option, I would cover the GOP debates knowing I would capture a huge audience for the overnight ratings! Mostly because anything Obama says will be a total lie, anyway!

  14. Why would anyone waste their time watching BO? Everything he says is a lie. He's not even a good liar anymore, just a stupid, babbling stick puppet. Even Bush could be good for a laugh sometimes. BO doesn't even have any entertainment value.

  15. someone blinked! POTUS rescheduled

  16. Take heart all you Americans, You have a true statesman in Dr Paul. Would that we in Canada could have a Ron Paul up here in the great white north. We are innundated with shills and psychpaths as politicians. Our politicians are probably even more corrupt than yours. Harper, now that he has a parliamentary majority is the closest thing to a dictator you can get in the western world. We cannot impeach or recall him no matter what! Beware all religious zealots.

  17. I say go on with the debate! I'm sure they'll get better ratings!

  18. Evidently, Obama is afraid of a "little" competition, what else is new? Only free marketeers love competition.
