Saturday, September 10, 2011

FBI Visits Execs of Obama Connected Solyndra

Solar-gate continues to intensify. 

Federal agents have expanded their examination of the now-bankrupt California solar power company Solyndra, a firm with very strong connections to President Obama. The FBI visited the homes of the company's chief executive, a founder, and a former executive, examining computer files and documents, according to the Center for Public Integrity's  iWatch News and ABC News.

Specifically,  agents visited CEO Brian Harrison and company founder Chris Gronet at their homes. Agents also visited the home of a third executive involved in the company from the start, according to iWatch News.

Solyndra secured a $535 million government-backed loan in 2009 – and a refinancing of that loan earlier this year, before filing for bankruptcy. Executives of the firm have made large contributions to the Obama campaign and also have made multiple visits to the White House.

Keep an eye on this one. Observers following the details unfold tell me this could be a shooting star that flames out, but, on the other hand, there are some indications it might be as big as Watergate.


  1. Know what's much bigger than Watergate? Gunwalker.

  2. $535 = Watergate? o_O

  3. I'm not too worried about $535. Maybe it is $535 thousands? millions?

  4. The cover up is already in motion. Note the B headline in the Post: "lawmakers say they were misled about firm’s finances"

  5. Tis the political season for scandals. The more the merrier. Anything to distract the masses and confound the opposition. So the debt ceiling was easily raised another $500B.

  6. I don't know. Obama should be rocked by the Fast and Furious gun running scandal but isn't. He seems to be made of teflon on stuff like this.

  7. Obama hasn't been hurt by the Fast and Furious scandal because the media has completely covered it up.
