Friday, September 2, 2011

First Take On a Scott Brown-Elizabeth Warren Election Match Up

A friend observing the Massachusetts political scene tells me that Senator Scott Brown is very popular in Massachusetts and that it would be very difficult for Elizabeth Warren to beat him.

He says that the only chance for Warren would be with the backing of the Kennedy political machine. He claims that the Kennedy machine remains very powerful in Mass. Says he, "Only Ted is dead". The machine lives on.

But such a scenario would require the very stubborn Warren to allow the Machine to call the shots, and it's totally unclear if Warren would be willing to yield to the dictates of the Machine.


  1. Like loosing Scott Brown would be anything tragic.

  2. Gaining Elizabeth Warren would be tragic.

  3. Mass gave us Barney Frank, Warren would be a shoe in.

  4. The Political Terrorist machine in Massachusetts is probably even more powerful than the one in Illinois. The public schools have turned people into psychotic parasites that demand everyone else live for them. The Political Terrorist class and their democracy parasites will only become more powerful in the future...Everywhere.

  5. Barney Frank, the affirmative action gay poster politician, who gets away with unethical conduct that Republican, not necessarily straight, politicians would be crucified for. Didn't he get a Fannie Mae position for his partner?
