Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why Ron Paul May End Up Getting More Black and Hispanic Votes

A friend who is familiar with the black community emails:
1. Farrakhan is not keeping it a secret that he is pissed off w/ O -
2. A friend of mine emailed me an article stating that more and more Hispanics are converting to Islam.
3. Lots of blacks are really pissed off over what O did to Libya - an African country.
The CBC and Maxine Waters are also pissed off at O too.


  1. LOL. Nice try Bob. Hispanics reliably vote Dem 2:1 and Blacks 9:1(+). Not even Ron Paul, whom I will be voting for, will change that.

    This is why libertarians who are pro-open borders are just poisoning themselves. Stop illegal immigration, deport those who don't belong here and THEN you have a chance to start implementing the Austrian Economic theories we love so much. It's electoral as much as it is cultural.

  2. Nation of Islam is poised to make tremendous recruiting inroads in the coming years as people search for order and honesty.

  3. Like most Americans I'm somewhat doubtful these minority individuals will be primary voters at all, let alone vote for Ron Paul.

    But the fact does remain that there is a growing discontent in America at the status quo. If only those masses realized the gov't is causing the problems and the policies so beloved by the welfare state are impoverishing everyone.

    Still, I'm hopeful the revolution will continue onward and upward.

  4. Are they pissed off that Obama removed a 40+ year violent "legal" murderer? Seems to me that psychopaths like Maxine Waters would be angry about that.

  5. I'm black and I agree with Wenzel.

    Blacks ARE pissed off at O. He has done squat for the black community.

    To add insult to injury, says insulting stuff like he "can't be seen favoring blacks over other groups."

    Well, then damn, we can't be seen favoring him over other candidates!

  6. "This is why libertarians who are pro-open borders are just poisoning themselves. Stop illegal immigration, deport those who don't belong here and THEN you have a chance to start implementing the Austrian Economic theories we love so much. It's electoral as much as it is cultural."

    Yes, given up our principles to be "pragmatic" and "realistic" is not poisoning at all ... we can be JUST like beltarians then! giving up principles for expediency!

  7. DCThrowback,

    Yes, we must have authoritarianism before we can have freedom. Very good. That will work well with no unintended consequences. You are no doubt quite intelligent, a true gentleman and scholar.

  8. Mr. DCThrowback mi nombre es Jose Ortiz y mi familia (9 adultos)y yo vamos a votar por Ron Paul, si no me crees q soy hispano dame tu telefono y te doy una llamada y hablamos un poco de espaƱol.

    Mr DCThrowback my name is Jose Ortiz and all my family (9 adults) and I are going to vote for Ron Paul and if you dont belive Im hispanic write your phone number I call you and we can speak some spanish

  9. I watched a full Louis Farrakan speech on TV a couple months ago. As a libertarian/Austrian-advocate I found his speech very interesting. Although I am guessing his final prescriptions are probably different than mine (I am a die-hard Ron Paul supporter), I was shocked at how much of his analysis I agreed with. He condemned Obama and the federal government's domestic and foreign policies along similar lines as us libertarians do. Most interesting, he talked some about "printing money" and gold.

  10. I'm Hispanic and I'm voting for Ron Paul in the primaries and general election :)

  11. Farrakhan might be an extremist but that doesn't mean he's wrong about everything. He is very much in tune with how the global financial institutions hijacked the economy and how they've ripped the people off.

    I even saw a clip where the Minister gave a shout-out to Ron Paul, during a sermon on the history of the Federal Reserve. I won't be joining the NOI anytime soon, but he is a certainly an interesting character.

  12. this is interesting, but farrakhan isn't actually that influential within the black community.

    also, plenty of hispanics are becoming muslim, but enough to shift the election? that would require millions, not thousands.

  13. I love reading the comments on EPJ when topics like this come up. Whenever Islam comes up, the so called "intellectual freedom" talkers somehow equate Islam with Freedom. Then they go to other posts and bash Christians. Wonder what would happen if they bashed Mohammed.......

  14. When I see comments on the internet such as DCThrowback's, I think of the saying, "They want to establish a police state here, to keep out and deport all the illegals, so the illegals don't vote for a police state."

    Funny thing is, every illegal I ever met loves freedom and liberty too.

  15. I actually worked with a fairly large number of hispanics, blacks, and muslims, and literally the only GOPer that they liked was Ron Paul. The only exception was one Cuban who liked anything GOP, but besides her, everyone else tended to either not care or support leftists....with Ron Paul being the one exception. The more they found out about him, the more they liked him.

    You would be surprised what the typical muslim knows about gold or the problems of fiat money -- I know I was! The anti war and anti drug war and anti patriot act views of paul are very, very powerful to a number of groups.

  16. I would say, don't just write people off. More blacks and hispanics would vote Ron Paul/become libertarian than you may think. I am hispanic, an anti-statist/austro-libertarian, and when I tell my family and friends my opinion, they tend to agree with a lot of these views IF they are presented the right way. Their is an age gap a lot of the time more so than anything.

  17. DCthrowback's comments seem to just parrot Buchanan's rhetoric that only certain races believe in liberty. Typical statist

  18. The beauty of Paul's political philosophy is that he has something for every individual, and also every group (be that gender, race, ethnicity, interest, small business and social groups etc. etc.). His cross-over appeal is really strong and potentially extremely powerful, needs to be communicated in simple terms.

    Actually his sincere and consistent pro-life position (that extends to the whole life, e.g. anti-pre-emptive war) should attract many Hispanics (many of whom are Catholics) and blacks (many social conservative) and the dreadful drug and foreign wars imply a disproportionate number of them are negatively impacted and with it their family life and social cohesion. And with regard to Muslims, it should be taken into account that they are staunchly pro-life and do not believe in debt and interest even (Dr. Mohammed Mohatir of Malaysia - also a medical doctor - wanted to start with a gold-standard currency for a few Muslim nations, and his govt. also privatized sectors setting the basis for a future 1st world status).
    Like Paul I am also a protestant and I think he could reach a lot of the evangelicals for focussing on liberty and values (including pro-life values), the allowance of prayer at schools (private property) etc.
