Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why Some People Hate Ron Paul

James Altucher has a theory:
Believe it or not, “honesty” is disobedience. Most people can’t be honest. Their friends and family would reject them. Their peers would ostracize them. Their clients and investors might part with them.  In order to be honest sometimes you have to transform yourself. You have to let the sun come down, survive the 12 hours of darkness in the middle of a hurricane, and then let the new day begin.  I’m not a political guy at all. I don’t watch debates. I don’t vote. I don’t even think there should be a Presidency. But I like guys like Ron Paul. Why do people listen to a simple congressman whenever he speaks? Regardless of what you think of him I feel like he’s the only one not carefully scripted. He’s honest. So people hate him. The only way you can become truly wealthy and prosperous, inside and out, is through the disobedience of honesty.


  1. Ron Paul has a consistent message throughout his years in Congress. It has reaped dividends in recent years as he (and others) have predicted a government-created financial collapse. He is indeed honest asking questions that the "little guy" would wish to ask of the political class and daring the status quo. No need to hold back the truth. He's all in for 2012 and changing hearts and minds along the way.

  2. Truth usually brings out the worst in people, unfortunately.

  3. I've been agnostic on Altucher- I can see why you and Lew like him, since he is iconoclastic, but some of his ideas have shown utter ignorance of economics and politics. I've read many of his blog posts, and a few of them have been genuinely interesting, but some are just whiny solipsistic flights of fancy.

    With this post, I get it. He will get a bit closer look from now on. Thanks Bob

    Dale Fitz !

  4. I hate Altucher as well. Kind of like how I hate John Stossel. Both men seem like weasels. But I agree with them more often than not. And I believe he is absolutely correct on Ron Paul. In politics, no one wants to hear the truth, and if you regularly speak it, like Paul does, you are marked for scorn and attack.

  5. People hate to be reminded of their lost virtue.

  6. I think there's more to it than just "he tells the truth." Politics is like religion for most people. Most people have absolutely no idea why they believe what they believe; it's handed down to them from their parents, or picked up from friends. They are told they want to "do good," and the easiest method for that is the engineering approach of just forcing people to "do good." They never truly examine why that doesn't work, and in fact most never check in to see that it doesn't work. They just go upon their merry way every day. If they do find out something didn't work, there's always another thing they can just "make people do" to fix it.

    Oddly and ironically, freedom is the approach that actually requires a "leap of faith." I have faith that toothpaste will be on the shelf the next time I need it. I don't have to centrally plan to make sure it will be there for me. The "religious" people actually have no faith. Faith is for the free.

    I think this is why people hate Ron Paul. It's not just because he's honest. It's because he's honest and he attacks their religion, and then he goes on to tell them how to have real faith.

  7. Sadly, I think this is a major problem in the U.S.

    I travel all over the world and find people to be much more honest than many of my fellow Americans. They also seem to know how to think more analytically.

    Hopefully our fellow citizens will wake up before it's too late.
