Saturday, October 15, 2011

The 5-Minute Video Every 'Occupation Wall Street' Protester Needs to See Now

Judge Napolitano comments on the freedoms the protesters understand and the freedoms they may not understand.


  1. OWS protesters can't understand anything ats not recited, repeated, and followed by jazz hands.

  2. He lost me when he claimed the "absolute monarch" rubbish. By then, King George, like today's Queen Elizabeth, was a constitutional monarch. The rebellion was about taxation without representation ( in Westminster Parliment). In fact, after independence, some were keen to have their own constitutional monarch. We make the war of independence sound more grand than it was - it was merely teenagers rebelling against parents and once done, we created a simillar home as from whence we came.

  3. I tend to agree with you, Anon 5:12. It seems the tyranny we deal with today from the U.S. government is many magnitudes worse than what the war for independence was fought for. What we need is independence from all states - that is, abolish this crude, uncivilized, criminal institution.

  4. "OWS protesters can't understand anything ats not recited, repeated, and followed by jazz hands."

    LOL, that is hilarious. I was waiting for a good opportunity to joke about the whole "jazz hand" thing, you beat me to it.

  5. The several states would have been far better off if the Revolutionary War had never been fought, and secession had been peaceful and slow. Now we have a federal monstrosity bent on world domination.
