Thursday, October 20, 2011

Harry Reid: Screw Private Sector Jobs, Let's Create More Government Jobs

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday indicated Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders, reports The Hill.

"It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it's the public-sector jobs where we've lost huge numbers, and that's what this legislation is all about," Reid said on the Senate floor.

Naturally, Reid did not point out that taking money out of the private sector to pay for government jobs will reduce jobs in the more efficient, less bureaucratic, non-totalitarian, private sector.


  1. This poor deluded bought and paid for hack so needs to be in an unemployment line...

  2. This is why no ward of the state should vote (unless we return to a direct taxation system where every single individual pays the exact same amount). Government employees are wards of the state.

  3. Why do you hate teachers and first responders?

    atleast the democrats are proposing jobs bills, which is exactly what this country and the middle class needs. Republican traitors have made it clear theyre waging a war on the middleclass and are trying to destroy everything that made this country great. Harry Reid is a man that serves for the peoples best interest, he should be president.

  4. Public schools are holding tanks, nothing more, they teach nothing other than more government, collectivism, socialism is 'good.' Teachers and 'first responders'(whatever that encompasses, and how many do we need anyway?) do not make anything, they are more service providers. So you want the taxpayer to pony up for ever more people that produce nothing? That is why America has a rapid, in decline economy. As for Harry Reid, have to speculate the election was bought and fixed when he regained his seat, no other way to explain a state with such high unemployment and housing meltdown returning him to the Senate, regardless of the less than stellar candidate he was up against.

  5. Reid is so stupid and psychotic that it is embarrassing. He is the poster boy for why Democracy always fails.

  6. The public schoolers think that if you don't want to be a slave of the tax-taker parasites then you "hate" them. They are told to think this way in their public schools. I think we all need to start hating "teachers".

  7. If I were repeating nonsense like "atleast the democrats are proposing jobs bills," a statement that reveals I know nothing about economics, what a job is, how jobs are created, etc., I'd post anomymously, too.

  8. @tom woods , youre a shill for the 1%. You bush loving righties hate anything that helps the 99% and the middle class. All it shows is that YOU know nothing about economics... Bush's right wing trickle down voodoo economics of the past 10 years and tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% brought us this mess!

  9. And reid is a great politician AND a public servant that has protected social security and the middle class 99%. Of course republicans dont like that, it doesnt benefit the rich! We need to tax the rich for every penny they stole from us and pay down the debt and put an end to this free market madness. Reids the man!

  10. Yes anon@10:45 AM, I can see how much wealth all those things you mentioned have created for me.

  11. Ooh, they're coming out today. What is that, 4 posts now? Not a single one of which shows any knowledge of economics or political philosophy. You know what would be like a cherry on top? If they start to say that we are all Koch shills.

    That's the problem with leftists, they see everybody else as "Republicans". Ah, collectivism. Gotta love it.

  12. You all hate cowboy poetry festivals!

  13. Anon @ 12:16PM must be new here, or just a troll, because there is no way you can read this blog and also post the things Anon @ 12:16 posted, it'd just be impossible. So I'm inclined to think its just horrible schtick. If I'm wrong though, and Anon @ 12:16 is indeed sincere in his/her post, then its painfully obvious Anon is a voter, in which case Anon would you please abdicate that right?

  14. John Taylor Gatto was right...Public school and TV create stupid infantile psychopaths who demand that everyone else live for them.

  15. Reid is a union thug. These are union jobs. Duh!

  16. @anon 1:46

    Unions created the middle class in this country. Why do you hate the middle class and workers rights?

    You got yoyr talking points right out of the nouth of a koch brother! No facts!

  17. Ok, who is simulating the typical leftist moron? Well done, though, maybe a little over the top.

    I think Harry Reid may have been punched in his face about 1,000 too many times during his boxing days.

    I tell my teacher friends, police officer friends, FBI friends all the same thing. They're tax consumers. They are a net drain on the economy as opposed to private sector employees. They understand this (they're still my friends :)), but far too many public employees still have grandiose views of what they do.

  18. @anon 1:15 PM

    Great observation. That is the entire purpose of public education -- indoctrination and control of the masses. It is by far the most harmful technique the State has ever devised.

  19. Wow! Tom Woods is a shill for the 1%? LMFAO at that one. That is the gem of the day IMO!

    After RP brings the troops home I hope he does defund the D.O.E....I can't have my kids attending school with these folks.

  20. This is for all those disciples of Soros that have their panties in a bunch:

