Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ron Paul on 'Meet the Press'

Awesome stuff, David Gregory gives Ron Paul a chance to talk. When you give an Austrian/libertarian the chance to explain his case, it's a beautiful thing. Spread the word on this one. Let's take it viral.


  1. I was fist pumping the entire time! His ideas, rooted in common sense and a view of limited government, are the only ones not the status quo.

    Ron Paul 2012

  2. what the hell Dr Paul wouldn't let me opt out of Social security because I am 27 and not under 25? That sucks. Either way god i hope this man really wins.

  3. Taxation is only theft if it's used to redistribute wealth.

    But what does taxation accomplish besides redistributing wealth from those who have rightfully earned it, to those in the government who have not?

    I can't believe he qualified it like that. Horrible.

  4. Look at this clip closely. Is CNN using some sort
    of subliminal video technique to make Ron Paul's face look old and distorted with warts and wrinkles
    at different times throughout the segment? Catherine
    Austin Fitts talks about video "entrainment" technology where techniques are used to make you feel good or bad about candidates, ideas, and messages.

  5. @ Taylor Conant

    IMHO, the difference between the income tax and non-income taxes like user fees and import taxes is that the latter are voluntary and doesn't overtly redistribute stolen money from the income tax to another group. Robbing Peter to pay Jerome is theft. Other forms of non-coercive taxation are not. This is the point RP I think was making or at least that what I concluded based on the examples he cited. Now we can get the discussion on income tax is theft regardless of the goal or benefit.

  6. What for the minor inconsistencies in thought and expression, what's not to like. A beautiful, uncorrupted mind at work is always admirable, especially this one. The man is definitely despised all around, that is evident in all meetings with the MSM. You can see this every time, no?

    Cheers, Dr.Paul.

  7. What a champion of liberty. His comments on taxation were fantastic. While Taylor Conant may not understand that the viewing public does not engage in the blog-sphere method of isolating one sentence out of context to critique and ignore the other 2000 sentences or so spoken, the reality is the average TV viewer heard a shockingly hardcore libertarian viewpoint that is anti-taxation, explained why, and even offered an answer to the immediate followup question of where government funding will come from, user fees!

    When you are able to get the average person to seriously entertain or at least understand why the mechanism of taxation is theft, and propose a plan to eliminate the income tax and IRS outright, you are making enormous inroads on the path to liberty. Overall just brilliant and remarkably impressive achievement of an interview. You can not overstate this man's impact on the libertarian movement at this point. The all too painfully common and counter-productive nitpicking on blogs notwithstanding.

  8. I've been saying for years that I would gladly forego all of my prior contributions to SSI for the opportunity to opt out. Luckily I'm GenX, so it's not that much to begin with.

  9. Yes, you can tell that every MSM reporter that talks to him has nothing but contempt.

  10. @7:48 PM:

    Join the Amish (they've negotiated an exemption from Social Security) or simply become an Agorist.

  11. Fellner,
    It's "follow-up" not "followup". Get it right! ;)

    Seriously, I agree with what you said completely. Ron's been at this a long time and he knows the ropes. The average person really doesn't care about the inner intricacies of political theory, they want to hear something that's simple and to the point. Obviously, there are some things that I would have stated differently, but that is pretty easy to say sitting here at my desk. Put me in front of a camera with on-the-spot questioning and I probably couldn't even get out a cogent sentence.

    One thing that I have noticed recently is that Ron has been getting much better at clearly relaying his thoughts; he's really been nailing the speeches and interviews.

  12. When the history books are written, Ron Paul will have converted more to libertarianism than Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, etc combined.

  13. @Robert Fellner,

    Well stated.

  14. @Anonymous October 23, 2011 7:48 PM:

    According to my last SS statement, I've been paying SS since 1978. At full retirement (67) I can "expect" to receive $1775/month.

    I'm almost 50 now -- I will gladly opt out and let them keep all they've taken thus far, because:

    1. I don't believe the money will be there in 18 years.

    2. If the money is there it won't be worth anything.

  15. David Gregory is a big government, central planning type ,elitest, limo liberal. Ron Paul is everything those folks hate. Ron Paul talked about what happened after world war II , David Gregory would have been dead set against those policies. He woul;d fit in great in China or Russia, big central planning societies

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. His earnest nature and honesty will be his undoing. Alas, most are undeserving of the gifts RP is offering.

    Sorry, I guess I woke up on the wrong side this morning.

  18. If Americans do not have the common sense to elect this man President, then we should not be surprised when the entire system implodes and collapses. It is either time to make a stand and do what needs to be done or shut up, stop crabbing about how bad things are, and get ready for things to get progressively worse...

  19. I think ending SSI over 3 Generations and replacing it with a manitory 401k plan might work. Or over a few generations raise the SSI plan to 85, so you know when you are young you will need to plan for the first 20 years of retirement on your own. SSI was a very good idea with a very bad plan. It needs to go away. There needs to be a plan to end it, but not till after I get mine. What ever you save the Fed will contine to devalue the money so I agree the Fed needs to go away.

  20. I'm 59 and I put myself through college and got my engineering degree by working in a steel mill during the day and going to classes at night. The government didn't pay so much as a dime to give me my education. Paul is right and I'm hoping that he is the next president. If anyone other than Paul is president I fear for this country.

  21. How can this guy not have a 70-80% support level from voters?? Maybe it's the media completely ignoring him. Do a Google search of the Jon Stewart media ignoring Ron Paul video, and you'll see why the guy isn't making any headway in the race. Very funny, but very sad video at the same time.

  22. Anon@12:45 PM,

    I agree.

    Being from a rural agricultural area here in Ohio, I oftentimes use the example of a farmer who chooses to leave a fox in charge of his henhouse and is angry and devastated when he returns to find his property damaged and destroyed.

    People are like this IMO. They are the farmers who leave the foxes in charge of the henhouse, yet are angry at the foxes for being foxes, rather than taking responsibilty for their decisions and actions.

    How then can the farmers be angry at the foxes?

    Most Americans see the state as a benevolent, necessary entity, courtesy in large part, I am quite certain, to public schooling, where, surprise, the state mandates the curriculum and controls the flow and content of information.

    I have long held that the corrupt schooling must be the starting point for altering peoples' perception of reality. Otherwise, I personally don't see how Americans can ever expect to extricate themselves from this morass long-term.

    Go Ron go!

  23. God bless Ron Paul. He's the clear cut best candidate for President at this time & he's been saying the same things that needed to be said & paid attention to for 30+ years. Trouble is, he's too often been ignored or dismissed casually by the MSM. But he's been 100% on target with the best ideas & he wants to return us to a small, Constitutional Federal Government, balance the budget, return to sound money (gold/silver), audit/end the Fed, end being the world's policeman & end "nation building" around the world... all things we can't afford now anyways. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! VOTE RON PAUL!!

  24. News Flash: When govt is involved in your lives and they make the rules for us (not them) to follow, we're left holding the bag. It's called no representation by either party.

    Since we already know but somehow, can't prove (yet) that the Obama administration is corrupt up to it's eyeballs, the people have awakened to the fact that THIS govt right now has to go and they're totally out of control. The Obama admin. has spent us into oblivion, with no end in sight. So, Obama believes in his socialist agenda and, of course, he hasn't made any mistakes. I guess according to Obama, it's all because of the mess Geo. Bush left him and the Republicans. Now, I consider myself an independent, so I'm no big fan of RINOs. But, I'll be putting my money and my vote on Ron Paul, because he's the only one talking about what's constitutional and what's not. He's all about liberty and freedom FOR the American people.

    We've been living under the illusion that we're a free people. Not true! Bush and Obama have pretty much crapped all over our constitution and Obama's behavior is much more like a dictator in chief. There's way too many people in America that are on the govt. dole and they will vote for the continuation of 'cradle to grave' policies no matter who the politician is. When the people start to realize they're not doing themselves any favors by supporting those kinds of policies, then, maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to get out of the 'cradle to grave' mindset. People, the LESS govt. the better for society. If you can't understand that, then I hope for our country's sake, you don't vote. The idea of govt. taking care of you is devoid of any responsibility for individuals to take care of themselves. Think about it. That's why, in the past, we always had churches and charities to take care of the infirmed and the needy. We don't need BIG BROTHER to watch over us and take care of us. The more we allow Big Brother to control us the less freedoms you'll have. Common sense people!

  25. Ron Paul is the only politician I've heard who tells it like it is and offers real solutions to real problems. He doesn't flash charisma or use eloquent rhetoric to skirt around the issues or waste time bashing opponents. Thomas Jefferson once said that a bad government is a big government. Too bad most people don't read history any more. Too bad most people would rather take what the government hands them than to find a better way on their own.

  26. Ron Paul will continue to be ignored by the media since they want more of the same (with a little twist). It is up to each and every one of us to promote his common sense ideas and beliefs.
    RP is the only candidate that I believe will pursue what he tells us. His history of being a consistent supporter of Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution is what makes me believe in only him. Bachman may keep her intentions but more likely to get Paid Off or Threatened Off.

  27. In a word...Brilliant!

  28. Whether he is on the ballot or not, I will vote for Ron Paul. I will assure I understand how to enter a proper write-in vote and it will be for Ron Paul. He is the only one who "gets it" and the only one with the courage to articulate it.

    THANK YOU, David Gregory, for having the courage, the class and the conviction to give Ron Paul a platform others have not.

  29. Look at this clip closely. Is CNN using some sort
    of subliminal video technique to make Ron Paul's face look old and distorted with warts and wrinkles
    at different times throughout the segment? Catherine
    Austin Fitts talks about video "entrainment" technology where techniques are used to make you feel good or bad about candidates, ideas, and messages.

    Yes, I certainly detect that! Shameful.

  30. Does David Gregory get it? He seems to approach everything from the idea that, "If the government doesn't do it, then it doesn't get done." It's that type of attitude that has ruined our nation.

  31. Kentucky has given his son a chance to prove himself and he is. Give Ron Paul a chance to prove himself as president. It could be the best thing or no worse than what we have.

  32. Ron Paul for President !

    He has a real, viable PLAN to save the economy, the dollar, and the nation.

    We lose if he doesn't win.

    If he loses... it's game over for the Dollar.

    "More of the same" is changing America as we know it.
    Be prepared.

    Ron Paul wants ALL my constitutional rights restored.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate willing to be BRAVE and HONEST.

    Ron Paul 4 President !!

  33. This man is right on the money, he seems to be the only sane man amongst them all. Go RP go.

  34. David Gregory let him talk because he can't hold a candle to logical, legitimate discussion.

  35. The American people will get what they deserve. If they don't elect Ron Paul president, then they shouldn't whine about higher taxes, poorer education, the death of military personnel overseas, and continuing bailouts for the elite. On these big issues there is no difference between Bush Jr., Obama, and any current Republican candidate except for Ron Paul.

  36. Most politicians are so full of themselves, that they will tell the public anything to get (re-)elected. Ron Paul is one of the few politicians to address the real fiscal problems facing our nation. The main-stream "solution" is to print more money and bail out the s.o.b.s that caused the crisis in the first place. All would be well served it they buy some real assets, while there is still some value left to the dollar.

  37. My dream ticket: Ron Paul and Herman Cain.

  38. correct, if Americans cannot tell he makes sense, then they deserve to have this country fall. "People get the government that they deserve"-(H.Ford) Hell, I know the American people are stupid, I do not have to be told they're idiots in the US. They voted for Bush for 2 terms, & then voted for Obama. It's like they want to be abused. End the Fed. & the IRS!

  39. It is no coincidence that the Fed and a Federal Income tax both come in the same year, 1913. RP wants to get rid of both. The income tax is for the benefit of the banksters. They get OUR tax money! Do the due diligence to confirm.
