Friday, October 28, 2011

Tom Woods Endorses Karen Kwiatkowski

Tom writes:

With few exceptions (pretty much one exception, in fact) I don’t typically urge people to support political candidates. For those interested in politics, I am making another exception: Karen Kwiatkowski, who is running for U.S. Congress in Virginia’s 6th
District. If you don’t already know Karen, she is not only a full-fledged libertarian but she also became internationally recognized when, from her position inside the Department of Defense, she spoke out against the cooking of intelligence leading up to the Iraq war and decried neoconservative influence over foreign policy generally.

Read more here.


  1. Go Karen Kwiatkowski!
    Wish more people had had the same integrity.

  2. She would have my vote, but I live in Virginia's 11th District.

  3. She is also critical of the official story of 9/11, which is a major indication of her honesty and integrity. I hope she wins.

  4. Take a look at Karen's speech at CPAC 2010 (YouTube), or any of the articles she has penned for LRC. This lady is no less than a tremendous asset for any lpoitical endeavor she is involved in.

    Go Karen 2012!
