Sunday, November 6, 2011

De Niro to Play Bernie Madoff

Robert De Niro will play Bernie Madoff in an adaptation of Truth and Consequences: Life Inside the Madoff Family. The book was written by Madoff’s son Andrew, his fiancĂ©e, and Bernie's wife, Ruth

HBO recently purchased the movie rights to the new book. De Niro’s production company, Tribeca Productions, is producing the film.


  1. It didn't take long for HBO to grab up this story & turn it into a piece of anti-capitalist propaganda.

  2. KM is correct.

    I wonder if all eight SEC investigations will each get some screentime?

    Who plays David Becker? And who plays Senator Chuck Schumer?

    Will the story follow whistleblower Harry Markopolos's account or some establishment line?

    According to Wikipedia on De Niro his politics are basically pro-Obama.

    Will it be timed for release before the election?
