Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NYC Mayor Bloomberg: ‘I Have My Own Army’

“I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world. I have my own State Department, much to Foggy Bottom’s annoyance. We have the United Nations in New York, and so we have an entree into the diplomatic world that Washington does not have,” Mayor Bloomberg said in a speech at MIT last night.

What's more, Bloomberg is not afraid to use his army, even in very bizarre fashion. His expansive view of what government should be doing, has resulted in the banning of a  cat in the lobby of the Algonquin Hotel and the banning of smoking in Central Park.

Most ominous, in a recent speech he said:
Government is not an innocent bystander in the marketplace, and it should not pretend to be.
Methinks he has bigger plans than banning cats, and that he has plans that span far beyond NYC. He really wants to go from controlling the seventh biggest army to being commander and chief of the largest army in the world.


  1. "a republic, if you can keep it....."

  2. It sounds more like he's ready to become the regional warlord of the northeast when the US collapses.

  3. All this time I've been wishing that Texas would secede... now I'm wishing NY will.

    Or maybe the lesser 49 will vote to kick us out? I'm sure Ron Paul would be glad to run for President of the Republic of Texas...

  4. according to this:

    the 7th largest army in the world is the United States with 550,000.

    This list has more than 7 with over a million:

    I don't know who told Bloomberg that the NYPD was the 7th biggest army in the world, but that's ridiculous.

  5. What's all this "I have" stuff. Someone should tell him he doesn't own any of that stuff and he's just a mayor, not a king.

  6. Heil Hilter ! Bloomberg, Heil Hitler !

  7. Texas Chris owes me a new keyboard. I sprayed pop all over it when reading his comment.

  8. Klaus:
    As the Obama years crest, the elites are drunk with the power of government. Nothing has to be true for them to declare it so.

  9. Can one still fart in Central Park?

  10. I was not born in this country,but I'm very concern where this country is a faccist state.American ideas of Liberty,Democracy,
    independence are slowly replaced by more government control,restrictions,use of violent police force..The elite has a BIG PLAN!!to destroy
    from inside this great nation.WAKE UP !!!!!!

  11. OK, once again we need to look under the hood.

    Bloomberg is one of the 1% - no, make that one of the .00000001%.

    He is watching his world come unglued at the seams and self destruct before his eyes - something, that in his wildest dreams, he never thought could or would happen. It is the end of his world as he knows it. His response is to strike out at what he perceives as the architect of his demise, or, anything else that moves.

    Get real, NYPD the 7th largest army in the world? Wouldn't be wonderful if it was because they are us. Sworn to protect and serve. I would stake my life on the fact that they are men and women of honor. They took that oath before God and will defend it, as will I, unto the death. When push comes to shove, they will do the right thing and quietly turn around and arrest the *ssholes that have sold them and us down the river. They know what happened on 911, because they were there and lost their family members, brothers, and sisters. They, just like we, have had quite enough.

    The good Mayor's blustering words are: "Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19–28 He is about to come face to face with the TRUTH. A thing that he has avoided with vigor, all of his life. He has nothing and he knows it. His bravado is born of desperation...

    I, am Spartacus

  12. He's an evolutionist, which is the same philosophy as most libertarians

  13. Ever since OBAMA was elected I have said I do not believe we will have another president. Before the next election he will declare himself dictator for life, just like his buddy Hugo! He already have his Czars in place, to take over. He is organizing the radical left to fight for him.

  14. Democracy always leads to a Fascist state.
    The problem is Democracy...Most people are too stupid to realize this.
    The taxtaker NYPD baboons would run like little school girls...Some "Army", huh?

  15. Arne, been telling folks the same thing. I think they are beginning to get the message. BTW, I'm told that Soros owns the companies that count our votes.
    Methinks that is why the Kenyan doesn't seem worried in the least.
    Problem is, with the exception of Ron Paul, even if the Kenyan lost, we'd just have him in another color. They're all part of the one party.
    Well, possible exception is Bachmann.

  16. The billionaires along with government are dividing up this country in quarters and they each have their own "army" to take control over us. Money and Power is what they crave. They are selling their souls to the highest bidder to get this craving.

    Their is Someone else who is also coming with an Army and NO amount of earthly money or power will defeat this Army. I look forward to that day.

  17. Amen about Bachmann that is why this choice is shoved to the edge of obscurity.. she oh yeah cant be a Mason --she is a Woman.. vote for who they dont want

  18. Why didn't anyone know?: he has already converted tavern on the green into his official "mess hall" for his "army!

  19. If that happens I'm moving to the Republic of Texas...

  20. Commander in Chief of the China Army? A bit of a streach don't you think. the US no longer has the biggest army in the world.
