Monday, December 5, 2011

Biden Jokes about US Bailout while in Greece

Vice President Joe Biden joked Monday during a visit to Greece about bringing U.S. money to lift the struggling nation out of a financial crisis, Viki Needham at The Hill reports.

During a trip to Athens, Biden introduced a U.S. Treasury official during a meeting with Greek President Karolos Papoulias, saying "this man represents the Treasury department. He's brought hundreds of millions of dollars."

Everyone laughed, according to Needham. Just a joke among cronies.

Of course, the real money man and enforcer, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, arrives in Europe tomorrow.


  1. "Of course, the real money man and enforcer, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, arrives in Europe tomorrow."

    Disclaimer: I would have preferred to have used a Stravinsky piece, but the 'Imperial March' is much more accessible.

  2. It's easy to joke about spending other people's money when they have no control over how you do it.
