Wednesday, December 7, 2011

HOT: Gingrich Would Name Neo-Con 'Force of Darkness' as Secretary of State

Wow, Newt Gingrich's true colors are sure coming out, today.

The Washington Times reports that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich promised conservatives on Tuesday he would ask John R. Bolton to be his secretary of state if he’s elected president next year.

Hours later, according to WaTi, he repeated that vow publicly to the Republican Jewish Coalition, winning a round of applause.

What should we think of the Gingrich statement? Here is  part of an open 2005 memo by the late Jude Wanniski to Richard Lugar, then-Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations:
Memo To: Richard Lugar, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: An Anti-Diplomat at the U.N.?

Dear Senator, you’ve known me for more than 30 years, from your days as Mayor of Indianapolis and my days as associate editor of The Wall Street Journal. When I tell you John Bolton is a true force of darkness, you can be sure I do not do so lightly. “Darkness” in this sense is the absence of light and Bolton is a protégé of Richard Perle, who has been known for decades in Washington as “The Prince of Darkness.” They are both masters of misinformation, believing that their “just cause” gives them the right, even the responsibility, to make the facts and intelligence fit their personal political objectives. They’re patriots and I would never say they are not. But it is not in their nature to be straight, and both men will always advise the use of force rather than bother with diplomacy. They loath and despise the United Nations. When President Bush asked John Bolton if he has respect for the U.N., Bolton said he did, but remember he is a force of darkness and will always say what he believes will advance his personal goals.

I’ve been watching Bolton from a distance from the earliest days of the administration, knowing of his associations with Perle and the neo-cons at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which I have long characterized as the HQ of what President Eisenhower called “the military-industrial complex.”
Here's another 2005 Wanniski comment on Bolton:
As I was driving back to the office at mid-day today, I heard a news report that President Bush had nominated John Bolton to be the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. My heart skipped a beat and I could feel my blood pressure climb through the roof. John Bolton. Ugh. This is the bottom of the barrel. It's almost impossible to imagine the President nominating anyone worse than Bolton, a certified bully who has single-handedly done more to poison our relations with China, North Korea and Iran than any other bureaucrat in the Bush Administration. He is one of Richard Perle's principle henchman in the Neo-Con Cabal to conquer the world with U.S. military might. He is a master of disinformation, by which I mean he knows how to use falsehoods and deceit to promote the objectives of his masters in the Cabal.

Only a few weeks back, for goodness sakes, I had celebrated when Bolton lost his bid to become Deputy Secretary of State to Condi Rice. Instead, she chose Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Trade Representative the last four years, a certified diplomat who really believes in diplomacy. At the NATO workshop I attended in Lisbon over this last weekend, I cited Bolton's decline and Zoellick's elevation as a sign that the neo-cons had been set back and we might be able to expect a more reasonable foreign policy emanating from Washington in the second Bush administration. I could see smiles all around and heads nodding in agreement from the four dozen people around the table – most of them from the countries on the Mediterranean whose people had opposed the war in Iraq. They were encouraged by the Zoellick selection and I imagine their blood pressure is now on the rise over Bolton.

I now wonder, does President Bush realize he is practically spitting in the faces of the global diplomatic community with his Bolton pick, by which I mean most of the governments of the world. Did anyone mention to him that when Bolton was picked in 2001 to be Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, he was confirmed in the Senate by 57-to-43 votes. All 43 nays came from Democrats who had observed his bullyboy tactics in his previous posts in GOP administrations, at Justice as well as at State. Given Bolton's record at State, this almost guarantees he will get no Democratic votes to confirm him. Perhaps even a few Republican Senators – those who are getting just a little bit tired of Perle, Wolfowitz and their imperial blueprint for the USA – may vote "nay" as well.

We should have seen it coming, when Bolton was permitted to remain at his State post after he lost the neo-con campaign to get him the job as Condi's minder. When there was a report he was going to return to private life and he didn't, it should have been clear the Cabal, chiefly housed in the Vice President's office, was looking for a good spot for him. What a delicious idea, they must have thought, to send him to the United Nations, which he has written about with great disdain over the years. In recent weeks, Bolton pulled out every stop to try to block Mohammed ElBaradei from getting a third term as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Why? Because Baradei had refused to play ball with the neo-cons in their scheme to persuade the White House that Iran should be dealt with harshly for having nuclear weapons programs. Bolton spread the word that maybe even Israel should bomb Iran the way it bombed Iraq's nuclear power plant in 1981. As I told the NATO workshop, Baradei is probably the most respected official of the world's international agencies, the most honest and effective, which is why the neo-cons wanted him out. Bolton thought he could buy off the votes he needed to drive a stake through Baradei's heart, but a survey of the IAEA board showed he could only get one or two votes of the 35 he needed, the U.S. being one of them.

In the Clinton years, Bolton cooled his heels at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., AEI being the think-tank of the Military-Industrial Complex and the hangout of Richard Perle. I know, because I hung out at AEI during the Cold War, and I know how it all works. AEI would have vanished a long time ago, I believe, if it were not for the generosity of major corporations – those that make things to blow up other parts of the world or those who rebuild them after they have been leveled, all with taxpayer dollars.
Ans that's the take on Newt Gingrich's man for Secretary of State.


  1. If I wanted to be president and knowing that the president will be chosen by the military-industrial complex, by the Diebold corporation and by the Isreali choral society known as the MSM, I would pick John Bolton too.

  2. I laugh at this website if somehow you think America is better off being in the United Nations. I'm mature enough to read your stuff on politics, but tearing down Bolton while he battled the U.N. crap is laughable.

  3. "former House Speaker Newt Gingrich promised conservatives on Tuesday he would ask John R. Bolton to be his secretary of state if he’s elected president next year."

    Bolton IS little Damien, if you ask me.

    Here's the "evil band of cricket players" version (Fantomas):

  4. Anonymous 7:48,

    I am pretty certain that that is not the position that Wenzel is taking.

    Look up and behind you and you just might catch a small glimpse of what just flew over your head. LOL

  5. @anon 9:07

    You're not as clever as you think. If Bolton was anti-UN in the sense that he was against their economic sanctions and he favored exiting the UN in favor of the non-interventionist foreign policy of peace, trade, and diplomacy, then libertarians everywhere would have applauded.

    He was just the opposite. He was mad at the fact that they pose an obstacle, albeit a weak obstacle, against the US bomb bomb bomb, bomb bombing Iran and every other nation that won't acquiesce in the face of American hegemony.

  6. It shouldn't come as any surprise that Newt would choose a hardcore neo-con as Secretary of State. The UN is just a wanna-be world government so I don't have a problem with hating on the UN.

  7. 95% of parents refuse to let their children play with those two.

  8. This is just as bad as Mitt already hiring Michael "buy my pornoscanner" Chertoff. Yeah, google it and see. Both Newt and Mitt will fill their staff positions (and cabinet if they get elected) with the same old idiots that pulled George W's strings. Probably John Yoo will come back to the AG's office. Grrr.
