Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Make a Quick $50,000 with Homeless Drunken Bums

In this week's, Robert Wenzel Show, I discuss how I made $50,000 plus with a drunken bum homeless man, and I discuss what it means in relation to entrepreneurship and alertness.

I also explain how in the past I have been paid anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000 for writing one page press releases.

I explain one thing you need to do so as not to get screwed in deals. This actually resulted in my getting paid $250,000 once for writing a press release that never went out!

I am also going to discuss what to do when someone wants to borrow money from you.

It all in this week's show which is below.


  1. Truly a great podcast Wenzel, coming from a business owner & entrepeneur.

  2. Very interesting show. I especially liked your story about the press releases because I did some research on effective advertising a few years ago and found that comparing a small, unknown company to an established one works very well for small businesses.

    I have some entrepreneurial alertness, but it's usually overwhelmed by pessimism. I've been working on a book about timing markets using the ABCT. I work on it when I'm optimistic, but go through long periods of severe pessimism when I don't do anything. I follow my own advise and have done well, I just can't seem to convince myself that anyone else would be interested. Your show sparked some optimism so I'll dust off the project and give it another shot.

  3. Great show, Wenzel! Loved the insights and the lessons, particularly the one about getting out, getting outside to sharpen one's entrepreneurial alertness. Your comments about teachers and their planning experiences are SPOT ON! I teach high school. Too many school districts are Stalinesque. I'd love to do business, write copy, and broker deals. The points on your show--I particularly liked your story about Phil and about asking to get paid WHILE the demand is high--were excellent. Thank you for your efforts, man.

  4. Excellent show. I've had many of the same thoughts in terms of being aware but I let my awareness slip.

  5. Great podcast, Bob! Thanks for sharing some of your 'tricks', sir!

  6. Nice show Robert,

    I am keeping my senses aware. I find deals all the time. I need help getting them to work out without any of my money.

