Saturday, December 17, 2011

Must See Video: Ron Paul on 'The Tonight Show"

Last night, Ron Paul appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Leno interviewed Dr. Paul through three segments (three commercial breaks) and gave him more time to explain his views than he gets in the debates. A totally awesome appearance. Also be sure to catch the end of the clip when Joe Rogan of Fear Factor comes on stage, wearing a Ron Paul sweat shirt.


  1. That was by far one of the best Ron Paul interviews I've ever seen! They must be giving him some supplements or something, because he seems to be thinking a lot clearer and articulating his thoughts better lately.

  2. Very good. Even though it was brief, his mention of protection of property rights as the solution to "pollution" is something people need to hear.

  3. It's such a relief to have a non-hostile interviewer who gives Ron Paul enough time to answer questions and round out his ideas. Imagine if all debate was so civil.

  4. Robert and others:

    Do you think Ron's comment that Bachmann "hates Muslims" will come back to haunt him?

  5. Amazing. He is getting national attention, and MSM can't ignore it anymore. The people are speaking and they want Ron Paul!

  6. Yes! This is the Ron Paul more people need to see. The debate setting is not a great avenue to get his ideas across. And that's because it's set up to be a "gotcha" moment that lasts a full two hours.

    To be honest, I was very disappointed with Paul's last debate performance. Not so much because of Paul's debate skills (he is too kind of a man to play the non-relenting a**hole) but just the game show type atmosphere of the whole thing.

  7. I believe the Muslim crack could be something he might regret later. To simplify this issue to that level is tricky business. However, I am totally amazed at how he can elucidate the issues in such a short period of time and be quick thinking about it's a wonder that he has not put his foot in his mouth more often.

  8. Listen to that crowd!!! I'm loving it.

  9. I don't think he'll have any problem because he said that she hates Muslims. After all, you don't seek to bomb the hell out of people you love. And if there's one thing Bachman wants is to bomb the hell out of Muslims.

  10. Yeah, her supporters will probably thank Ron because they'll think he was complimenting her.

  11. Bachmann herself said in 2005 or so that "not all cultures are equal and not all values are equal." She was referring to people of the Muslim faith vs western cultures. She would do well to ignore the accurate charge from Ron Paul because she is on record numerous times saying outlandish things about Muslims.

    1. It is not possible to say outlandish things about muslims. These people converted countries to Islam by the soward and continue this today. These people televise beheadings, stone women for adultery and destroy others and themselves indiscriminately by becoming walking bombs. Not to say that Americans do not invite such hatred but with muslims no invitation is required.

  12. Bachmann is so obviously nuts that I don't see how his crack could hurt him. Quite the opposite. After all, she DOES hate Muslims!

  13. Rand Paul must also hate Muslims since the Senate voted 100-0 for sanctions against Iran.

  14. Rand isn't as good as his dad is. But he has time.


    PPP is now saying Newt is in third and Iowa will come down to paul vs romney!

  16. Funny how Ron Paul ended the debate Thursday night saying that below the belt cheap shots shouldn't be tolerated.

  17. It's hard to watch the debate and not come to the conclusion that Bachmann hates Muslims. It was an honest answer. Even if it does come up during a future debate, I don't see how it will really hurt him. Those that support her foreign policy are unlikely to ever get behind Paul.

  18. It is pretty clear that Bachmann does hate muslims with the way she repeats the disproven "Iran is months away from a nuke" lie or the "Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map with a nuke" lie.

  19. He is absolutely right. Very difficult for him to win, BUT at least he is educating the Nation. As the Founder Fathers said:" Here is the Republic, if you can keep it"

  20. My husband and I are signed up to be delegates for Ron Paul in our precinct (very libtard area). We're planning to go all the way. We just saw another house in our neighborhood with Ron Paul yard signs. It's on like Donkey Kong!

  21. The only candidate that is for the constitution and for America. Eliminate foreign aide. Get the lawyers out. Put people in office that have worked in the public and held a real job. Stop the wasteful wars. Audit the fed, term limits, flat tax. Ron Paul has the right idea. GO RON......

  22. Why has this been removed by the user? Did they get threatened for airing the truth? For giving Ron Paul too much air time?
