Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Send in the Psychiatrists: Is Krugman Projecting?

After his idiotic attack on Friedrich Hayek, using, of all people, David Warsh as support for his absurd claims, could Krugman, as some psychiatrists might say, be doing a bit of projection, when he writes:

You have to wonder why Taylor thinks he can get away with this. Does he think that other economists can’t actually read research papers, and catch the misrepresentation? Or does he think of himself as writing solely for people so politicized that they don’t care if he gets it wrong?
A friend asked me last night, what could Krugman have possibly been thinking when accusing Hayek of not having any important influence in economics. Could Krugman have given us the answer when he wrote,"...does he think of himself as writing solely for people so politicized that they don’t care if he gets it wrong?"

1 comment:

  1. haha. When I read your title my mind associated "projecting" with "forecasting" and then I thought, "God help anyone that would rely on a forecast from Krugman!" Glad to learn its only his inconsistent thinking on economic philosophy that he's projecting onto others, so no one will lose any of their hard earned money actually doing what ever this nut might have advised.
