Sunday, January 1, 2012

Krugman ID's Santorum as a Tool of the Koch Brothers

Does Paul Krugman have a future as an analyst of the power elite? He nails Rick Santorum, but I'll be impressed when he applies his power elite analysis on both the left and the right. He writes:
...reliable conservatives are assured of a safe landing even if they are defeated.

Consider the case of Rick Santorum, rather humiliatingly beaten in 2006. What came next?
The Ethics and Public Policy Center is delighted to announce that the Honorable Rick Santorum is joining EPPC as a Senior Fellow. Mr. Santorum will establish and direct a program, titled America’s Enemies, that will focus on identifying, studying, and heightening awareness of the threats posed to America and the West from a growing array of anti-Western forces that are increasingly casting a shadow over our future and violating religious liberty around the world.
And who funds the Ethics and Public Policy Center? Just who you’d expect: a couple of Richard Mellon Scaife foundations, the Koch brothers, etc..

Follow the money.
I am also forced to give Krugman points for calling it, in the title to his post, "Wingnut Welfare"


  1. Calling out one group of con artists and grifters while shilling for another doesn't cut it with me. Sorry.

  2. Krugman makes me laugh. He is such a political hack that he can't see his own conflict of interest. Does Krugman not understand that his primary employer, Princeton, and for that matter, most of the Ivy League, is the ultimate tool for the global power elite? Who does Krugman think funds his school's endowment that pays a portion of his pay check? Poor people? Middle class people? LOL.

    It's a far easier argument to make that Krugamn is owned by the Power elite then even neo-con, warmonger Santorum. In fact, one could argue that the only reason Krugman has a NYT blog is a result of his ability to monopolize on the elitism of his employer and education. And should we also assume that Krugman's unyielding support of government has a lot to do with a quid-pro-quot of grants, elitist government posts, government consulting contracts, etc that enable elite academia to cash in on their prestige?

    Of course I have the same amount of proof that Krugman is a tool of the power elite as Krugman does of Santorum. Regardless, even if they are tools of the power elite, that in of itself, does not invalidate their arguments or make what they stand for wrong. At the end of the day, all we can do is judge them by their words and actions.

  3. anon 4:07 is right, Krugman is an instrument of the actual power elite, so of course he's happy to attack potential competition. The Kochs seem to be very minor oligarchs at most, seeing as how they receive so much negative media attention. Critiques of higher level families tend to be dismissed instantly as conspiracy theory.

  4. Santorum has been their pick all along in my view. Perfect time for his media bump as there isn't enough time for them to grill him on his record and views.

    Btw, the website redesign is much smoother Robert. Thanks for the great resource.

  5. How in the world could anyone say the Koch brothers are "minor oligarchs?" They are funding virtually every right wing politician out there to ensure that their interests are put to the forefront of the national discourse. On top of that, their interests are completely self-serving and designed to rape the middle class. It really is amazing to me that the right has been able to scare people into believing that they are working FOR THEM. Amazing.
