Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Metastasis of the Police State (Boston edition)

A friend from Boston's Back Bay emails:

Re your article on the DHS checkpoint- Here in Boston, the metastasis of the police state is  in full bloom. Every night on my commute home out of Boston's Back Bay train station there are legions of militarized cops  checking bags, scanning bags and walking their friendly German shepards right up to you. 
Recently, however, I've noted two changes. First, they frequently have a blue shirted TSA Agent with them. And second, the police have gone from wearing blue uniforms, to black uniforms and are now almost all exclusively wearing green army fatigues. I'm not sure what the significance is other than to psychologically condition the cattle to accept another form of domination on their way to the slaughterhouse.  


  1. Wonderful. All that's needed now is for the government to be able to haul you off to be held without trial.

  2. Just say no. (Nancy Reagan) I do that for ID requests, checkpoints, and drug testing.

  3. Americans are too stupid to be free.
    The 80% Democracy parasites have destroyed life for the liberty-minded/productive 20%.

  4. Nick Rockefeller once told Aaron Russo that the ultimate goal of the globalist bankers is to impose a global digital currency stored on RFID chips implanted in people. Can't do that easily, what with pesky freedom expecting civilians not being intimidated by a police state.

    And while the police state grows, left wing Obama sheep think everything's OK. Exactly as planned.

  5. In the late 60's/early 70's I worked in the aircraft industry with a retired Lt. Com. who had done two tours at Gitmo. He had made a friend on the local police force and towards the end asked of him," Castro is getting close. What are you going to do?" He replied," I was a policeman before Bautista, I am a policeman for Bautista and I will be a policeman after Bautista." That is taking place here now.

  6. I notice a lot of enlisted people here in San Diego wear the blue, black and grey type of urban evening camouflage. Oh ya, that gives me a warm safe feeling all over.

  7. Once again, clear signs of the dark path on which this country is heading, and about which some of us have been ringing alarm bells for years.

    But nothing will change until more of the sheeple lift their snouts from the grass. Judging by their passivity at the airport, that's not likely to happen anytime soon.

    And for the record, I'm one of the despised leftwingers. And no fan of Obama. He has not only continued, but expanded the worst abuses of the Bush administration.

    We're all in this together, folks. Civil liberties are important for all of us, left, right, middle, anarchist, you name it.

  8. Government's products include war and poverty, but its main product is dependency. How long before the black-clad thugs are checking under every bed for monsters. I'm sure they will be welcomed to do so by many of the terrified children the state has created.

  9. It's a sad state of affairs. People much like livestock on their way to slaughter, Joe citizen has no idea what their in for. Once you surrender these liberties, youll never get them back.

  10. First off, this article is very well written. After doing a lot of research (which is very easy now a days), one trend really sticks out and should frighten everybody. Our "elected" Presidents have all been related to each other in some way, shape, or form. Even Obama is related (distantly) to both Dick Cheney and Ronald Reagan. What this obviously means is that since the beginning, the illusion of democracy has been controlled. Our country is run like a monarchy. Obama pledged immediate troop withdrawal from the Middle east, and now we're still there, scattered in several hostile regions, and for what? Most people say oil, but there is enough oil in reserve and in the US to keep us satiated for a decade. Meanwhile, our men and women are coming home to a depression, where even their service to this country can not land them a decent job (as many of those were shipped over seas to save corporations $$$). Add to that, the perpetuated myth that illegals are only here to work the menial jobs no one wants: this is wrong on two fronts- a basic study of drug wars and gang intelligence will show many illegals here do commit crimes and face lesser jail time then in their home country. Secondly, I don't believe there are menial jobs Americans won't do, especially in this economy. My first job was washing dishes in a greasy spoon when I was 13, I have been working ever since. There have been times where I have sought other jobs to supplement my income only to be told in broken English, "No hiring". We have a trillion dollar war, no jobs for teenagers, no second jobs for the average person trying to make ends meet, and people wonder why the Middle class is fading away? It is all by design.

  11. I also take the train out of Back Bay and can confirm the OP's observation. Government Goons in costume almost every day. I haven't got close enough to the one's in green army gear to see what agency they work for but I'm pretty sure they're not Transit Police nor Boston cops. I think they're DHS affiliated. I also usually see a Blue Shirt Nazi there as well.
