Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Most Popular Course at Harvard is Taught by...

...a Keynesian apologist for the state, Greg Mankiw.

He has attacked Ron Paul's portfolio.

He has called for more money printing by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.

He spends much time defending Ben Bernanke, probably more so than any other economist.

It goes on and on, the man loves the state.


  1. The way I look at it RP's portfolio is a bet that governments will continue to follow the idiotic advice of chaps like Mankiw. I think RP's portfolio is safe for now.

  2. It would actually make more sense for Ron Paul to call for more money printing since his portfolio would actually benefit. Oh wait I guess some people on this Earth still have principles.

  3. It should be pretty obvious that the Ivy League is just a factory for elitist demagogues.

  4. Harvard, the blind leading the blind.

  5. Even a dog knows to lick its master's hand...

  6. The article omits that Ec 10 is a requirement for Ec majors to take more advanced economics courses (they can meet that requirement by performing well in an AP course in high school...but even if most students do that, when I was there I believe most still opted to begin at the "intro" level). Every now and then students will try to petition for an alternative economics intro course, but sadly the proposal is usually more blatantly statist and outright Keynesian than Ec 10.

    It is true, however, that a significant number of non-ec majors often take (and are encouraged to take) EC 10 in order to be educated in basic economic literacy. It's a shame that they stop there.

    The one refuge is Jeffrey Miron's libertarian economics class, but I still remember the first day I was there. To paraphrase, he said "This class deals with a pure utilitarian analysis and does not focus on ethics. I also do not analyze what some term as 'anarcho-capitalism.' In fact, the people who tend to be combative against me in this course are more often libertarian than not." He was right. But it was also the first time I had heard "anarcho-capitalism" in a Harvard classroom, haha.

    Interestingly enough, Jeffrey Frieden's political economy courses allowed for a more prescient analysis and debate over state intrusion into economic matters.
