Monday, January 2, 2012

The Rick Santorum Surge

Friends tell me the Rick Santorum surge was orchestrated by the political elite to get his name out before the Iowa caucuses, but not enough time for scrutiny of Santorum before the Iowa caucuses. I'm told politically active evangelical leaders were used as a tool to get the word out on Santorum.

So what's the real story on Santorum?

"Total nut job," is what one person familiar with Santorum tells me. Details will come out in up coming days and weeks.

Bottom line: Santorum will flame out long before Super Tuesday.


  1. I'm really curious about the results tomorrow...only because I wonder if the polls can be trusted.

    Here's why:

    -We know that inflation is much higher than what we are told.
    -We know that unemployment is much higher than what we are told.
    -We know that the credit rating of the U.S. is much lower than what we're told.
    -We're told that Ron Paul was fading in Iowa, while polls show otherwise.

    Santorum is polling 4% nationally, and all of a sudden a surge for no apparent reason?

    Add it to the list of BS.

  2. PPP still has RP in first in Iowa, albeit by one point

  3. Oh, and by the way: google Santorum!


  4. Wow, your friends are fucking geniuses.

    No shit.

  5. Huh, wouldn't Iowans voting for someone they knew so little about discredit the caucus?

  6. Santorum is a real life politician version of the Hannity show. He just repeats phrases that Hannity says like "they hate us for our freedoms" and other nonsense.

    His IQ has to be lower than Palin's, if that tells you anything.

  7. Anybody that wears as many sweater vests as Santorum has got to be a "total nut job".

  8. Rick Santorum sat on the board of Universal Health Services for four years. As they say, follow the money:

  9. You always know when you are experiencing a Santotum surge...

    You get this pressure down deep in your bowels, and the subliminal thought rises into your consciousness that you should not venture too very far from a porcelain receptacle.

    Then it hits, and all you can do is apologize and try to cover up the stink...

  10. David Boaz has this post on "Rick Santorum vs. Limited Government":

  11. For a man that seemingly loves other people's money:

  12. I could never vote for Santorum. He's not hardcore enough about cracking down on gays in Iran.
