Tuesday, February 14, 2012

MUST WATCH Judge Napolitano: We Should Make the Government Fear US

Judge Napolitano in his final broadcast on 'Freedom Watch' is an inspiration to all of us who desire freedom. Watch this and you will know why the establishment news network FOX feared him.



  1. Napolitano is, hands down, my choice for Ron Paul's VP.

    However, if that doesn't end up being the case, the liberty movement still has an incredible with this man in its corner.

  2. RW, I'm the last person to give the befefit of the doubt to the media--even Fox. That said, have you read this note from the Judge?


    "Judge Andrew Napolitano is trying to calm his outraged followers after the cancellation of his Fox Business show.

    The low-rated network axed "Freedom Watch," along with the rest of its prime-time lineup, last week.

    Ever since then, Napolitano has had to send repeated messages to his fans to stop bombarding Fox News with angry emails.

    In his latest note, posted to his Facebook page on Monday, Napolitano sounded a note of optimism, even as he sternly told his team to cut it out:

    In television, shows are cancelled all the time. Two of my former shows have been cancelled, and after each cancellation, Fox has rewarded me with more and better work. This cancellation--along with others that accompanied it--was the result of a business judgment here, and is completely unrelated to the FreedomWatch message. It would make a world of a difference for all of us, if you would KINDLY STOP SENDING EMAILS TO FOX. I am well. Your values are strong. I will continue to articulate those values here at Fox. But the emails many of you are sending are unfairly interfering with my work and that of my colleagues here. The emails even violate our values because they interfere with the use of private property. I have accepted the cancellation decision with good cheer and a sense of gearing up for the future. You should as well.
    As a favor to me, and as I have asked this past weekend, PLEASE STOP SENDING EMAILS TO MY COLLEAGUES AT FOX ABOUT THE CANCELLATION OF FreedomWatch; and please stop NOW."

  3. Yes we bloody well should make them fear us. But they don't....as evidenced by the looting and lawlessness on display each day in DC.

    1. BECAUSE...we don't make them fear us.

  4. The Judge's closing broadcast was immense - I really do hope that he will decide it's in the country's best interest for him to be Dr.Paul's running mate -

  5. I could only watch half the video then it stopped and spun.

    Never had that happen before.

  6. I would love to see Judge Nap run with Ron Paul.

    1. Hogwash! It's the Liberal-Progressives that are leading the charge on those fronts buddy...not to say the Republicans are not doing likewise, but to condemn the Republicans solely, makes you a simple fool!

  7. All republicans should be in jail for what they've done to this country.

    Nothing but greed, lies, and bigotry from these people, it is disgusting.

    Anything to allow the 1% to keep looting the 99% of their money and stealing their houses..

    one off the air, now we have to get the rest of the Fox News liars off the air.

    1. Casting your damnation on an entire group, while convenient, is intellectually sloppy. If FOX news wants to get rid of audience favorite, that's there decision to make. As a viewer I will simply go somewhere else. What you are asking for would only limit my choices.

      From what you have written I think either: you don't understand what freedom is, or you do understand but pretend not to care for some reason.

    2. It is the Democratic party that receives the largest amount of donations from the big banks and large corporations, not the Republican.

      It is the Democratic party that originally created the KKK as a para-military arm to keep Blacks from voting. It is the Democratic party today that "keeps Blacks in their place" by "giveaways" in return for their votes.

      Get a particular news network off the air because you don't like what they have to say? A principle espoused by glorious progressive leaders of the past such as Marx, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao Zedong. They would be proud of your work here today.

    3. Or , perhaps, you could just point out the specific "lies" to which you refer.
      You seem upset.

    4. Are you actually calling the good judge a republican fox news liar or is my sundowner's syndrome just kicking in?

  8. If not Ron Paul's VP, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court!

    1. John Roberts holds that title til the day he retires/dies.

  9. Its a crime this show is no longer being aired. The Judge is one of he only ones who "gets it"..

  10. In a nation of lies, the truth is feared, Judge Napolitano had to be silenced by the folks at Fox.

  11. If he runs with Ron Paul he will not win. He could do a lot more good if he gets behind the front runner and maybe he will be able to promote true freedom. Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in hell to win. Elections aren't won by putting up people with idealistic views. They are won by popularity, looks, and style. It is sad but true.

    1. Ron Paul would be popular if not filtered by the media. Freedom is popular. The problem is that most Amerincans have gotten used to their shackles.

      Ron Paul 2012: Like signing the Declaration of Independence.

    2. And as long as that is true, freedom will not prevail.

      Freedom is hard to achieve, and even harder to mantain. If we become a society of Sophists running our government. People who can say one thing, but make people believe they mean something else.

      What makes the Judge so great is that he has ideals, why would he align himself with anyone other than a guy like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or (in the future) Rand?

    3. Your comments are perfectly representative of the majority residing within California. A main reason I left finally after 30 years. Ride that sinking ship into the gutter of humanity...Ride it all the way JP in CA

    4. Wrong. He needs to announce he will be Ron Paul's VP, then you will see more Americans turn to see what they are doing together. Quit the mindset of a "follower" and understand the mindset of a "leader"!

    5. You need to do a lot more homework kid. If you do I think you'll realize that not only the "front runner" but all of the remaining GOP contenders except Dr. Ron, of course, are the exact antithesis of true freedom proponents. And for you to suggest that the good judge would even consider, for a minute,hooking up with one of those yahoos proves that you don't have a clue what he is all about. Furthermore it isn't popularity, looks and style that wins elections. It is delegate votes and I hope you'll be happy to learn that Ron Paul has a definite fighting chance for that reason.

    6. then you vote for evil jp!!! WAKE UP!!!

  12. Bolsheviks totaled only 3% and they were successful taking over Russia...as they were centralized in the big cities not the Russian "fly over" countryside. 33% (only 1/3) of the early Americans supported the Revolutionsary war, yet they were successful even when 2/3 of the population where opposed or didn't care.

    What does that tell us? It tells us that those of us who understand the seriousness of the threat to our Constitutional Republic are the Seal Teams of rescuing personal liberty and freedoms it ensures....We can and will be a mighty force if we band together, UNITED in the common cause of taking back our country. It depends on each one of us doing our part to stand up against this encroaching tyranny beginning at the city, county and state level...for that's the place our future "liberty loving" Leaders will come from. Even when we successfully change administrations in Washington, we cannot forget involvment of virtuous informed citizens on the local level. Remember "The Promise" If my people will humble themselves and seek my face, I will hear from above and heal their nation.
    Evelyn Z, Parker, CO

  13. America is reaping what it has sowed. America is to never vote like this again . Vote Righteousness!! Ron Paul is that person. What a deception Obama has been. Can you do any worse. What is a matter with people , They think this is a game! Obama has no plan America but to spend and debt you to hell. What are you thinking?? Ron Paul brings righteous governing,freedom , sound money which causes banks to not rob us but lend to the job makers and change takers. Gold Standard is the monetary policy God said to use!! Pride brings ruin. When The righteous are in power the people rejoice. The Constitution is for all who wish to be free and govern in righteousness. Go America pay your debt. OWE NO ONE ANYTHING. Ron Paul can set us on the right path

  14. He talks a good talk about government intrusion but walks right into the bank and cashes his government pension check. He threw many non violent offenders into jail who would not have even been guilty of a crime in most days gone by. He was and is a blowhard about freedom but would jail any doctor or woman involved with an abortion if he had his way. Notice his speech had nothing but Obama as a background as if Obama himself was responsible for all our freedoms lost. As if. A typical asshole Republican Fox Noise Reagan dingleberry licking stooge-adios and don't let the door smack you in your ass (face?) on the way out. It numbs the mind to think of the Fox Noise watchers as having a clue as to the non factual blather it emits on a daily basis.

  15. Fox is all about the money, just like msnbc,CNN . If freedom really flourished they wouldn't be any need for any of them .

  16. The judge would get eaten alive in the bearpit you guys call government. They are not interested in prisoners there.
    He is absolutely spot on but easily sidelined by the 1% because of the apathy of the 99% who either can't be bothered to vote or end up voting for idiots/slimeballs. To be fair, we are the same in my country (New Zealand) as in nearly any democracy you can mention - Western or otherwise.
    As a side note I can never get my head around the greed, lies and hypocrisy of your leaders and their supposed christian beliefs. If Jesus was around today he would have a ball rearranging the "tables" in Congress.

  17. @JP - You are so right JP, until people like yourself quite believing that he can't win and go vote for him, he doesn't stand a chance. So, instead of sitting around whining that a person with idealistic views can't win, why don't you get off your butt and recruit 5 people who sound just like you to vote for him. If they each recruit five more and recruit five more....can you see where I'm going with that? I hope so because if you can't, I am so sorry that you are going to lose all your rights. I, on the other hand, shall not lose mine. Give me liberty or give me death. Prince Draxx

  18. Why do people think the word Progressive means Democrat? In 1913, the Fed was designed by 100% Progressive Republicans. Was it then difficult for the Red Gangster Progressives to find some Blue Gangster Progressives to second the motion? No, the biggest racket in the sick, sad, sorry history of rackets, the racket stealing food from the mouths of more hungry people around the entire world, using the weapon of inflation was easily promoted by the Progressive Gangsters that still rule our country.

  19. He, Judge Napolitano, and Jesse Ventura, both back Gary Johnson for prez. Gary, running under the Libertarian banner, will be on the ballots on all 50 states except perhaps Oklahoma. So, I will be voting for the best candidate, not the lessor of two evils, next month. I hope the judge, Jesse, Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich all get great positions in the Johnson administration. Gary's vice-prez is also a judge, Jim Gray.

  20. Once they terminated Glenn Beck, it was only a matter of time; the judge didn't have as many viewers as GB.

    Notice how little it took for the GOP to give up a sure win in the Senate race in Missouri (and likely Senate control).
