Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Great News for Ron Paul

Nut job Rick Santorum won primaries in  in Alabama and Mississippi on Tuesday. Mitt Romney won Hawaii’s caucuses.

The last thing you want is Santorum as the Republican presidential nominee. But the more votes for Santorum takes away from Romney.  And makes it more likely the Republican party heads to the convention without a candidate who has enough delegates to win.

A brokered convention makes the delegates Ron Paul is accumulating very valuable. He can use them as a negotiating item to demand something BIG from Romney. Or, if you really want to dream, Dr. Paul's delegate count leads to a second or third round of voting, with a Ron Paul nomination victory.


  1. "A brokered convention makes the delegates Ron Paul is accumulating very valuable. He can use them as a negotiating item to demand something BIG from Romney. Or, if you really want to dream, Dr. Paul's delegate count leads to a second or third round of voting, with a Ron Paul nomination victory. "

    Really want to dream? I guess it's all pointless then. Either he wins a brokered convention or nothing will come of this. Glad I didn't waste my money on it.

  2. I agree with mike. What could paul accomplish by making a deal with romney? Why would romney obey? I admit, I don't fully understand the power of the delegates I guess, but hoping for some sort of meaningful trade-off with mitt seems more like the dream to me. It's Ron Paul or bust

  3. I am Ron Paul all the way and I dream of his being president, but I see the GOP changing all manner of rules to keep that from happening at the convention. We are beginning to hear about Jeb Bush around the edges lately. I am expecting Jeb to be inserted for Mittens when the time comes. The general GOP followers will salivate at Jeb being possible.

    1. The elite will decide for you A. It is the plan. The banker crooks will survive, and decide for the great unwashed.

      From the

      "Kissinger tells Chinese that Jeb Bush will be the next President"

      "The Republican Establishment wants Jeb Bush as President. Although they are behind Romney, I have had a feeling this was a sham job. They know Romney will be a weak candidate against the Pharaoh in Chief. They want Jeb in 2016, but they have a plan. They have structured the primaries in a way, that Romney will not have enough to win the nomination.

      In a moment of honesty, Henry Kissinger allegedly told the Chinese, that Jeb Bush will be the next President. He claims the primaries are a sham and that party elders will anoint Jeb at the convention.

      Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with Jeb Bush [photo top left] yesterday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing where both pledged to advance cooperation between their two countries and, this report says, agreed that once Bush had taken office a ‘new era’ would begin in US-China relations.

      According to this report, Kissinger told Keqiang that the Republican Party election process to select their nominee to run against President Obama was“completely manipulated” to ensure that their 2012 Convention would be “deadlocked” thus allowing for Jeb Bush to be nominated as a “consensus candidate” and thus his parties leader.

      Don’t dismiss this report. This is exactly what I have suspected. That the GOP elites will give the nomination to Jeb Bush."

    2. Thank you for the reminder on the Jeb/China article and meetings. I had forgotten about those. And yes, I agree that it is and always has been the plan that elite decide for us all. And I was aware that Jeb was being prepped to take over in 2016 and yes, Mittens is a weak candidate against the Pharoah in Chief. But, I cannot shake the feeling that Jeb will arrive much sooner than that.

      It amazes me still that the sheeple are still so attached to being Repugs or Dems. They are the same party of liers, cheats and theives and pediphiles. Yet, here we are still saying, but if we just get a Repug in the white house all will return to normal. WTF?

      I agree with another comment below that the sheeple are not experiencing enough "pain" to outright elect RP at this point in time.

      It is interesting however, to see the fraud front and center both at the individual caucus' and any later "delegate" designation gatherings. Also that large groups of RP suporters and delegates are fighting back at these delegate selection meetings.

      I personally think it will take a second revolution and possibly seccession (sp) by the states.

      In the end it seems our only hope is that .gov implodes on itself, hopefully before the election, or that states begin to implode in large numbers. The "get something for nothing" mentality drivel is currently winning the day. Look at the recent JC Penney ad tag line "fair and square" requiring no receipt to return goods purchased. This speakes to that horrible term "social engineering."

      People still want to be lied to and led by the hand on every subject so that they are not forced to think at all. The have no problem being told how to vote by their various religious leaders. I find it revolting that those who call themselves "christians" are okay with each new war as pushed by MSM and Fox in particular. And that war is totally unchristianlike is totally lost on them. The RP ad about the fact that we would never tolerate another country invading us, why should we invade other countries is totally over their heads.

      We are boxed in financially, physically and mentally and many of us are losing hope for any future other than the "Dark Angel" type of existence. I am not sure I want to survive at this point if RP is not elected.

    3. What is your source for "The elite will decide for you?" You don't say where you're getting this information

    4. I am not sure which of us you are directing the question of, but for me it is more of a gathering of info from various political, financial, and even environmental source. And just plain old paying attention, logical questioning and thinking. I read or listen to Lew Rockwell, Peter Schiff, The Daily Bell, Michael Scheuer, Judge Napolotano (sp), The New American, Tenth Amendment Center, Mike Church, and EPJ of course. I also check out the competition from time to time to get a sense of what the other side thinks.

  4. If you all want Ron Paul to win, you need to become a delegate. All Ron Paul supporters should be signing up as a delegate in your home town.

    1. I agree but from what I can tell is that he does not have anywhere near enough to make it possible. It's looking like we'll all have to suffer mass or hyperinflation and all the miseries it brings before more of the simple-minded sheeple wake up.

    2. It is that kind of defeatist attitude that makes this so.

    3. It's not an attitude but an acceptance of reality, or so it appears to me anyway. I hope I'm full of crap though. Believe me I do.

    4. Mike, you know that the delegate counts reported by news outlets are completely made up, right? Caucuses simply hold straw polls, that is, non-binding. The real delegate counts are still being voted on by the volunteers from those caucuses.

  5. the GOP will not allow ron to be the nominee. ron must run third party

    1. I really wish people would get off the third party bandwagon. He does not have NEAR enough money to spend to get on the ballots. He won't be allowed in debates nor will he get any attention. The game is so rigged against third a third party run I don't know why people still insist on it.

    2. There are two kinds of people who talk about Ron running as a third party candidate. 1) People who want to discredit any possibility of his getting the Republican nomination, and 2) people who are really stupid but heard someone talking about a third party run and thought it would make them sound intelligent.

    3. I agree that RP does not have enough money for a third party run as most of us are tapped out financially already. However, I do love that it makes the establishment wet themselves thinking he might just do that. And for now, it is worth letting them worry their pretty little heads that he might.

  6. While I certainly didn't expect Ron to win in MS or AL, I hoped he'd do better than ~5%. Lawrence Vance at LRC is right...the "deep South" should now be called the War Belt instead of the Bible Belt. The vast majority are more concerned about so-called "national security" (read: supporting the latest war) than liberty and much more real threats from the Fed, spending-gone-wild and debt.

  7. "If you all want Ron Paul to win, you need to become a delegate."

    In my county the Republicans broke their own rules to prevent this from happening. A lawsuit is likely and some of those at the top may be removed from their position as a result of their rule breaking actions. The Republicans here let some areas go without ANY delegates just to silence any shimmer of libertarian thought. They'd rather do this than beat Obama.
    It's an uphill slog.

    1. This is the amazing part to me. That Repugs are willing to let O be elected again than allow RP to be Prez. What is wrong with people?

    2. "That Repugs are willing to let O be elected again than allow RP to be Prez. What is wrong with people?"

      What is wrong is that the Repugs know that at least Obama will keep bombing and killing going. Murdering foreigners is the most important of all to them.

    3. ABSOLUTELY - WHAT IS wrong with people? I'll tell you: Most are comatose. They are the 'walking-brain-dead'. They've never used their brains, to think for themselves. They just parrot what they hear from the Mainstream Media.

  8. More jokes about Paul using delegates to get Romney to change his platform, glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor, Dr. Wenzel.
