Wednesday, March 28, 2012

JFK Airport Baggage Scandal; 200 Thefts Per Day; Luggage Profiling

Think twice before you check your luggage at John F. Kennedy International Airport, says CBS News in New York:

Cash, jewelry, electronics and other valuables are being stolen from passengers’ baggage at a staggering rate...

Law enforcement sources told [CBS reporter Marcia] Kramer that thefts at the airport have increased at a staggering and alarming rate. There are now more that 200 a day — and that’s every day. Baggage handlers, jetway workers and even security people are all in on the ongoing scam to steal you blind.

“The belly of the airplane has become like a flea market for airport employees. They go in there and go through all the luggage unencumbered, unchecked,” JFK security lawyer Kenneth Mollins said...

Sources told Kramer that one of the things that makes the thieves so successful is that they engage in luggage profiling. They go after the most expensive luggage, but they also check out where you come from. So if you live in Scarsdale or Muttontown or North Woodmere you’re more likely to have your bags opened and possibly things stolen.


  1. Seems like ANY airport jobs (not just TSA) attract the biggest scumbags these days...

    1. Time of service: must have worked at McDonalds for at least a week. " get my drift."

  2. If there was a death penalty for each case, it would stop in a week, if not less.

    1. That is Sharia law.

    2. No actually, according to sharia law it would cost them their right hand.

  3. Meanwhile the luggage owners get to play TSA "security charades"... barefoot & with their pants falling down.

    Truly a pathetic state of affairs.

    Perhaps some enterprising lawyers could launch a massive class action suit against the airport, it's (mis-)management and all the employees who handle baggage.

    1. Why "is it (mis-)management"?

      Or did you intend "its (mis-)management", the possessive instead of the contracted verb?

    2. Must work for IS Networld. They turned down an insurance certificate for that silliness.

  4. And we're supposed to believe the screening methods of the TSA will keep airlines safe when the workers are corrupt

  5. TSA should be screening the employees not the passengers.

  6. On a recent trip to Spain through JFK, my golf bag showed up a day late minus a Driver, putter, new shoes, and what was worse I lost my balls...........No recourse....of course.

    1. Damn, lost your balls? Poor guy.

  7. Lower the hourly rate of TSA employees by 5 cents per hour for every reported theft. It wouldn't take long to find the culprits. The honest employees would see to that. 200 x $.05 equals $10. Need I say more?

  8. They are unionized so you'd never get the union to agree to the 5 cents per hour deduction. But good creative thinking.

  9. Returned via JFK early Saturday morning-lost one wallet, don't know how. At customs, two agents working with hundreds waiting to get through while six customs employees sat behind talking with each other, paying no attention at all to the logjam piling up.

  10. Sad. I think airports/airlines should hold the unions acountable for all lost items, maybe then the unions would make sure not to keep the worst of the worst employed among their ranks. In fact, I think the next time collective bargaining negotiations begin, the airlines should negotiate this into their contract as a condition to the unions pay increase requests.

  11. This is what you get when a bunch of thugs are hired.
