Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Hooker that was Stiffed by the Secret Service

The Daily News is out with the first photos of the 24-year-old Colombian call girl at the center of the scandal that has already. resulted in three Secret Service agents being bounced from the agency. The agent wanted to pay her only $30 for services rendered, when he promised $800, according to her.


  1. She understands economics especially supply and demand better than anyone in the Obama administration, I'm sure.

  2. mmm me gusta las colombianas :D

  3. She's worth at least $250.

  4. oh sweet irony, the ad below her picture is a photo of dick morris endorsing someone for senate

  5. Gentlemen (and ladies), let's not start a bidding war. Where was her pimp when she needed him (or her)?

    1. Why are you assuming that it is a her?

  6. It's not over until the youtube videos circulate.

  7. That's easy enough to verify, how much did the others receive?

    Was the agent in charge part of this group? Did he condone this?

  8. $30-$40 a hit, plus $15 for the hotel room, is the standard TJ price. Pussy is pussy. Columbian pussy isn't any better than Mexican, Thai, or Russian pussy. I've been to many countries and have seen a great many hooker prices. There is no way in hell that a Columbian hooker was expecting $800, because she is a dime a dozen no matter how hot she is (she is probably a 7-8 on a scale of 10 in her market). The ONLY hookers that I have ever seen charge upwards of $100 are American hookers, and they are probably the worst screw in the world of prostitution.

    In most of America south of the Rio Grande, there is plenty of pussy to go around (only to be challenged by the pacific islands). You can get some decent pussy for the equivalent of a few granny smith apples if you play your cards right. I give this ho a $50 maximum (based upon the exchange rates), because I know that I could get a cheaper ho in Columbia within 5 minutes of talking to this one if I wanted to. Shit, if I haggled quite a bit, I could talk this bitch down to $10 and a bag of potatoes.

    Back in the day when the dollar was strong, you could wave a fin or a ten-spot and the bitches would swarm like the tides of the sea. Obviously, American money doesn't go quite as far these days.

    Once again, I have no personal experience in these matters, this is just what I hear from my world travels as a sailor in the United States Navy.... ahem.

    1. I imagine that you have traveled quite a bit, but unless you are going to come out and say that you have screwed quite a bit on these travels your insights are limited. I am a little disappointed with this commentary as usually you are spot on.

      TJ pussy is clearly not the same good as is Colombian plastic surgery-ied 'escorts'. Young, drunk, inexperienced Americans who are not used to prostitution do not require the same things or pay as much as Colombian drug lords and the rest of their apparatus. This would be the equivalent to the 'substitute goods' nonsense that we all complain about in inflation indexes.

      Furthermore, as more anecdotal evidence, costs vary WIDELY from SA country to SA country. For example, here in Brazil the minimum you will get away with (in SP or RJ, the northeast is cheaper bc everyone is poorer), with a non-tranny hooker that won't give you AIDS is: R$100 to get into the 'Zona' (whore house), R$40-50 for the room and R$200 for an hour. So at R$350 we are talking more or less $190 give or take the exchange rate. If you want to risk it on the street you will normally end up with a surprise (a dick or some venereal disease/STI). This is the minimum. There are plenty of 'Zonas' that charge much more than that, depending on the quality you want. Rest assured the Brazilians are atop the pyramid in this category.

      In Chile, depending on where you pick up the pussy your costs can also vary widely. Most pussy in Chile is had at strip clubs. However, if to take the girl out with you you have to compensate the owner of the club for their loss, figure about CLP$30-40,000 and then a room will cost you another CLP$25,000 and the girl will cost about CLP$100,000. Total costs of around CLP$160,000 which is roughly $300, MINIMUM. Pussy can be had on the streets in some areas and is much more safe than the equivalent in Brazil, but again this is a different product. The Chilean girls are mostly the ones that work the streets and they just aren't that good. The imports that are worth anything all work at clubs.

      I will not even get into Peru, which is one of the most consolidated markets in SA for prostitution. Prices can range from basically free to $500, depending on what you are after.

      This is all from personal experience and traveling with other locals in these respective markets.

      Simply put, pussy is not pussy, especially if you are paying for it and certainly not across an entire continent.

    2. Ok, in economic terms of goods, it is true that a good in location x is not the same as a good in location y. My fault; that's what happens when one posts after a night of cocktails. However, I am not doing an economic analysis of prostitution, I am just speaking in a general sense. Further, I do consider pussy to be somewhat of a commodity, so I believe that there is far less difference between hookers of a certain quality no matter where you are in the world, with the price differences being determined by the scarcity of the good in the market.

      Have I paid for prostitutes in the past? Yes. Was it a habit? Well, when I was in the Navy it was (go figure, right?), and even after I decided to not engage in it anymore, I still haggled with the girls for fun and paid attention to what deals were going around. For me, if I am getting a prostitute I am not getting her for anything other than her looks, how clean I think she may be and the obvious; a screw. Granted, we cannot do an IUC of hookers, but from my own experience as long as you're choosing from the same category, there really isn't much difference between this girl's vagina and that girl's vagina, barring any major outliers. As it is now, I don't pay for sex. Well, at least not outright. LOL

      In my opinion, the best bang for your buck is in Thailand. For the equivalent of $20-50 you get a smoking hot girl for the whole day, she's clean and has a card showing that she is free of STDs, she's trained for her line of work, she's hard-working, and she has no aversions to kinkyness. I mean, even if you aren't into hookers, in Phuket you can just buy the hooker to carry your bags when you shop the district. Just steer clear of BoysTown... Well, unless you're into that sort of thing.

      The fact that the agent offered $30 tells me that this particular market was probably generally in the area of $30 or close to it, because Cartagena and the surrounding area is generally a very saturated market. I don't see an agent saying that he'll pay her $800 when the majority of girls in that market are much cheaper and possibly better looking or cleaner than this girl. Paying this girl $800 is the equivalent of paying gold prices for silver, in my opinion. I certainly don't think that it is her going rate. I mean she doesn't appear to be particular special in any way. She looks like your standard Columbian hooker.

    3. I like the insight into asia as I have yet to make it that far, but given the opportunity you are certainly painting a fantastic picture for Thailand.

      You are probably more accurate that hookers (and sex in general) is a commodity. Though, I would have to say I still think that there potentially exists a big difference between the 'escort' type girl and the TJ hooker.

      Hookers will be hookers, I am guessing she is just a bit more clever than the average girl and saw an easy way to try and make a buck, or at least get some free advertising.

      I will be in Colombia in a couple of months and I will certainly make sure to follow up. :)

  9. You know how these stories go from one person to another. Maybe it's something she invented so that she gets some money out of the SS. This all news thing seems bogus to me anyway.
