Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another Romtarian

Romtarian: A "libertarian" in principle, who favors voting for someone, anyone, who is seen as electable, despite many anti-libertarian views, e.g., favoring a vote for Mitt Romney

Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee and current Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, has called on Libertarians to vote for Mitt Romney over Gary Johnson. In a podcast, he said:
I think the important thing now is to make sure Obama is not elected, and that means in my mind, listen I would love for a libertarian like Gary Johnson the two term governor of New Mexico would actually get elected President, but I think we all know that’s not going to happen so therefore it’s got to be Romney there is no choice.


  1. Lol, didn't Root run against the Obama ticket in 2008? Did he endorse McCain then?

  2. Oh look at that...

    Once again "there is no choice."

    Actually, there is a choice - Don't Vote!

  3. I can't help to focus on the coming economic disaster that will wrongly be placed at the free market's feet if Romney is elected. I will probably be voting for Obama for this very reason.

  4. First Rand now this....proof the "Libertarian" movement doesn't need anyone to attack it.

    They manage to punch themselves in the face just fine without any help.

  5. I support this pragmatic approach. I respect those who want to die as purist to the cause (many such persons in my family). Your self sacrifice though is not so selfless.
    When you walk away we are ALL left with the immediate threat of the obama machine further institutionalizing dysfunction and 'farcism'.
    We know this to be true.
    Romney on the other hand is still potentially malleable ( demonstrably so ).
    I believe that to give up and allow obama to accomplish his mission is a grave tactical error.
    Better to have another day to fight, and yes, perhaps lose, than to just give up altogether.

    1. Perhaps he's malleable in the way you don't want him to be in. That is, malleable to becoming even more statist.

    2. When I hear someone talk about how "malleable" Romney can be, and that person wants less government, I can't help but laugh. Romney has changed all of his views, but this is the least statist he's ever been. Remember the Romney from the Kennedy debates? Romney is a proven opportunist, but what makes you think you're going to get a less statist Romney when THIS is what he says during a republican primary?

      People who think Romney is any better than Obama need to put the pipe down.

  6. Root has since tried to walk-back this pro-Romney comment, but clearly he not the right person to be chairing the Libertarian National Campaign Committee and, if he were honorable, he would resign his position. Let's not also forget that Root was one half of the 2008 LP disaster known as Barr/Root, and he is well known as an interventionist when Gary Johnson and the LP are making big efforts to cast themselves, respectively, as the peace candidate and the peace party in this election.

  7. "Let's put in someone just like Obama so we don't have to have Obama as president again." Yeah, great idea. Or we could vote our conscience and at least know we tried if one of the two monsters gets elected.

  8. You'd think libertarians and/or conservatives would have worked out by now that when you vote for the (supposed) lesser evil, you still get evil.

    For years now I've been reading comments to the effect that "this time" it's imperative to keep out the other fella. It's always the same, as long as we keep out Clinton/Gore/Kerry/Obama then we can turn around government.

    It doesn't work, whichever of the two wins.

  9. I agree with Wayne Root completely. Cyanide is painless whereas Strychnine causes convulsions. Cyanide for me! "there is no choice".

    I think the important thing now is to make sure Strychnine is not chosen, and that means in my mind, listen I would love for something healthy like vegetables, or a nourishing rib-eye steak to be chosen, but I think we all know that’s not going to happen so therefore it’s got to be Cyanide there is no choice.

    1. As long as I have a choice, I would choose neither. You can always stick around long enough to continue fight by educating your kids, friends, etc., retreating off the grid, or stockpiling for the next generation.

    2. Anon, you missed the parody. I used EXACTLY the same wording except I substituted Cyanide for Romnefeller and Strychnine for Obama. It points out how absurd Root's thinking is.

  10. Romney would be marginally less bad than Obama. Voting for Romney would delay the inevitable, but not by much. So, no purpose is served by compromising our principles; the outcome will ultimately be the same.

  11. It appears that Wayne Allyn Root said this in April 2012, a month before Gary Johnson was nominated as the Libertarian Party candidate for US President. Gary Johnson received the nomination on May 5, 2012.

    Since Wayne Allyn Root said this before Johnson was nominated, I consider this excusable. However, if he repeats these statements now, I would say that this is inexcusable and he should be thrown off the Libertarian National committee.

    Sam Sloan
