Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bilderberg Operative Pushes Mandatory Internet ID for Europe

The European Union is now moving to create a mandatory electronic ID system for all EU citizens that would be implemented across Europe to standardize business both online and in person, authenticating users via a common ‘electronic signature.’ A single authenticating ID would guard access to the Internet, online data and most commerce.

It is nothing short of an attempt to monitor everyone on the internet and beyond, and a prominent Bilderberg attendee is behind the scheme, reports Aaron Dykes

Neelie Kroes is the EU’s Digital Agenda Commissioner, and is introducing legislation she hopes will force “the adoption of harmonised e-signatures, e-identities and electronic authentication services (eIAS) across EU member states.”


  1. Another great reason for the EU to dissolve.

  2. Will this be the mark of Cain?

  3. A very large minority of our population better resist whatever form of chipping is forced here.

  4. The individuals and entities proposing this are hereby invited to attempt an impossible physical act.

  5. what was the justification given for enacting this? to stop piracy or stop cyber-bullies or some other none-sense..?
