Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Commie Signs from French President-Elect Hollande

French president-elect Francois Hollande aims to make it financially painful for healthy firms to fire workers and will "arm wrestle" big employers like General Motors to force them to take a more "moral" approach, a senior adviser said on Thursday, Reuters reports.

Hollande, who takes office on May 15, said before his election victory on Sunday he would seek to impose financial penalties on profitable companies that announce layoffs only in order to improve their share price.

This is going to really encourage firms to expand in France. Has Hollande ever heard of laissez faire?


  1. Sarkozy was right, Hollande is worse of the two. So Hollande thinks he can "arm wrestle" GM which is a US government owned firm, this I want to see.

  2. Leave it to socialists to reverse means (labor) and ends (production), and seek to increase means at the expense of ends.

    News to Hollande: You make everyone's lives worse off by preventing efficiency gains that could have been had via a reduction in the amount of labor it takes to produce goods.

    In the response to making it harder to fire workers in France, expect companies to reduce the numbers of new workers they hire, and thus expect the rate of unemployment in France to increase.

    Of course Hollande will probably spend money on make work projects, thus making it appear as if unemployment is lower than it really is, and while the "something for nothing" French sing kumbaya and rejoice in abolishing the law of scarcity, France's economy will be gutted.

  3. France could use another revolution and get it correct, instead of turning right.

  4. Does the French president with the dutch name know that share price is a result of how others view the company?

  5. Honestly, it's not as if Sarkozy was a lot better.

  6. He probably thinks laissez faire is what France is now.

    1. Yeah ain't that the truth. It seems like the whole West is gonna be like this: Everyone with the last name A-D, reports to Walmart on the 3rd Mondays of the month for haircuts....and so on. All your money/info is in your chip and everyone must be eugenically bred for optimal service to the corporate-state.

      We can sure stop it. But I believe it could be unimaginable if we don't.

  7. GM will have no problems with these socialist demands, and will expand business in places like France, even if it hurts productivity and negatively affects revenue. I can only imagine the strings that were attached to the GM bailout.

  8. "Honestly, it's not as if Sarkozy was a lot better."

    Maybe not a lot, but still better, it will be interesting to see what the parliamentary elections in June will bring. Many people voted for Hollande just to punish Sarkozy, I got that from some poll among his voters.

  9. France chooses Hollande, businesses choose haul-ass...

  10. The bottom line is that France is still broke.

  11. Everything that made Western Civilization great is gonna move to Southeast Asia.
