Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lew Rockwell Attacked

Writes Republican congressional aide Benjamin Rothenberg:
Hi Lew, your an idiot just like your Paulitard and OWS friends. Have a nice day and remember, nobody gives a damn what you have to say.
 Rothenberg is a Director of New Media and Press Aide for Rep. Thaddeus McCotter and a former underwear salesman at Jos. A. Bank.


  1. Some choice grammar triumphs in the first couple of words alone.


  2. Only an idiot would write "your [sic] an idiot."

  3. Now that Mitt Romney is showing strength in the polls and they also want everyone thinking Ron Paul has dropped out, they are feeling their oats. Be prepared for more to come.

  4. How on earth can one be a press aide and not capable of writing a grammatically correct sentence? I can forgive his inability to make a logical argument, but come on!

  5. "Nobody gives a damn what you have to say"?! I'd say Rothenberg gives a damn what Rockwell has to say.

    1. "The best read libertarian website in the world..." comes to mind.

  6. HA!!!

    I just emailed Lew.

    "You misunderstand, Lew. what he meant was: HE'S your idiot.

    e.g. (signed) your friend, Ben

    In this case (signed) Your an idiot, Lew, Ben.

    So, he's Still illiterate, but...


    capn Mike

    (in florida for repairs, boo, but not for long!)

  7. I love it! "YOUR and idiot" .... and thats all you need to know!

  8. So a troll decides to take a poke at one of the giants of Liberty?

    The tike needs to buy himself some flashcards & work on the difference between "your" and "you're".


    1. Hey Chris, tike should be TYKE, no offense but it does not really enhance your message

  9. And, apparently, doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Idiot indeed.

  10. "your an idiot" ...... might want to use some elementary school English skills when insulting somebody.

    Hi Benjamin, I believe you meant "you're an idiot."

    And considering that is the best read libertarian website in the world like 5 years running I think it is safe to say that millions of people give a damn what Lew has to say.

  11. Why do I feel like I'm in high school again?

  12. If he's an idiot, then why can't this rube spell?

    "Your" is supposed to be spelled as you are (you're).

    Incorrigible dunce.

  13. Press aide. Wonderful. Republicans really are the stupid party.

  14. "Rothenberg is a Director of New Media and Press Aide for Rep. Thaddeus McCotter"

    You should have just said that first and stopped there. There's nothing meaningful that could conceivably come out of this f*cker's mouth.

    1. Didn't Thad McCotter run for President this time around? AND GOT LESS PRESS THAN RON PAUL!?!?!

      Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

  15. I see. A "press aide" who doesn't know how to spell "you're."


  16. Wow there are those superior debate skills that conservatives are known for. No facts, just mindless attacks. However the responses to his comment give me hope. I would love for conservatives to actually step up to the plate and debate Rockwell one on one but conservatism is all bark and no bite.

    1. Easy there. I consider myself a "conservative".

      That being said, I usually apply the term conservative to a personal lifestyle, whereas political leanings are Authoritarian vs. Libertarian.

      i.e. Ron Paul is a conservative libertarian.

      Enjoy the rest of your (XD) day!

  17. Ahhh, well that explains it, he's gone from selling a product that winds up full of shit, to a congressional aid that is full of shit. Makes perfect sense...

  18. you know, the thing that annoys me the most is that they can't even come up with a decent insult. paulitard is that the worse you can do?

  19. Six years at Guilford? You folks expect too much of this very immature young gentleman.

  20. McCotter is just another Motor City Madman:

    McCotter has been an avid supporter of the United States' involvement in both the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. In his 2011 book Seize Freedom!, he wrote that the two wars "were never separate wars; they have always been battle theaters in the War for Freedom."[3]

    On September 22, 2008, McCotter became the first Republican in the House of Representatives to oppose the $700 billion Paulson bailout plan, calling it "American socialism." A week later, he and 132 other Republicans voted against the bill.

    At the end of July 2009 McCotter introduced a bill to allow pet owners a $3500 tax deduction for pet care costs.[4] The bill, called the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (HAPPY) Act, was criticized by Howard Gleckman of the Tax Policy Center as "the poster puppy for all that is wrong with the tax code."[5]

    McCotter has supported a variety of union-friendly measures such as collective bargaining agreements for government jobs and card check.

    1. "The war for freedom"? Whose freedom?

  21. I don't normally sympathise with silver-spoon Young Republicans who've attacked my heroes, but when I do, it's because they've had brain injuries. Apparently it can affect the rage and judgment centers of the brain, changing one's personality drastically in some cases.

  22. As I said on Ben's original post, I wonder just how many people read

    1. This has given little Ben more press than he's gotten his entire life.

  23. I care what Lew Rockwell says. Rothenberg can go to hell.
