Sunday, May 6, 2012

This Explains a Lot

Paul Krugman doesn't start out his morning reading

Krugman tells the Boston Globe:
 I start each morning with The New York Times, The Financial Times, some financial news sites, and a select list of economic blogs. They have really flourished...The Washington Monthly’s blog is a good way to keep your finger on what’s happening.


  1. I'd like to see you versus old Krugman

  2. I'd like to see 4th grader (reasonably well educated in economics) versus old Krugman.

    1. Me too, because at least the 4th grader wouldn't commit the broken window fallacy.

  3. I respect having a morning reading routine but as an econ. prof. and Nobel laureate, shouldn't he start his morning posing his own questions and gathering raw data? I guess when your elite like Krugman, you can parrot other people's work and still sound intellectual.

  4. The Globe left out this:

    " I start each morning [reading my own blog, because I can't get over how awesome I am. Did I mention I won a Nobel Prize? Then] with The New York Times, The Financial Times, some financial news sites, and a select list of economic blogs."

  5. I start my mornings with taking a shit.

    Then I read the latest from Wenzel and Zerohedge :)

  6. He probably reads EPJ just before he goes to bed so he can cry himself to sleep.
