Thursday, May 10, 2012

Zogby: Youth are Libertarian & Paulian in Views

J. M. emails:

No wonder why so many in the 18 to 29 demographic either don't vote, are considered independents and not a fan of either party, or have supported Ron Paul in overwhelming numbers.  It also explains why Paul is feared and hated so much by the DC establishment media and both political parties so much.

only 37% agree that the government should spend more to reduce poverty

only 20% agree with Mitt Romney/Paul Krugman/Obama that govt spending is an effective method of economic growth

only 28% agree the govt should do more to curb climate change at the expense of the economy

only 22% want to attack a nation first rather than waiting to be attacked

only 23% are willing to give up personal freedoms for national security

Here is an excerpt:

These attitudes betraying both the traditional left and right fall generally within the bounds of libertarianism. Live and let live.  Individual responsibility is as important as collective responsibility. Avoid military interventions. Distrust both government and corporations. Protect civil liberties.

Young voters have been the energy behind Ron Paul (remember him?) He is still in the GOP race for President, apparently looking to impact the party platform. Had Paul chosen to be the nominee of the national Libertarian Party, he would have had the biggest impact of any third party candidate since Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996.


  1. Wow! Great hope for the future! This has to be a result of the dominance of the austrians on the internet when information is sought out after the kids hear what Dr Paul has to say.

    Dr No gives them the pill so they can see the Matrix for what it is, and lewrockwell, tom woods, this site, mises, etc provide them with the facts. Tom Woods' new libertyclassroom page should only multiply this effect, too.

  2. The revolution is almost here! Now the only decision is whether to take over the GOP and kick out all of the neo-cons or create an all new party. In some ways, taking over the GOP would be more of a punishment to the neo-cons, especially with all of the two party laws on the books.

    We will never forget how you changed history, Congressman Paul!

  3. Word to your Mother!!! J.M. Only if you could convince me that were true in Stockton CA at the Delta College Campus

  4. As recently as the 2004 election it was "conventional wisdom" that to be a socialist is to be young (under 30/no family); and conservative (which is just Bismarkian socialism) to be mature. It's great to see that false dichotomy exploded.

  5. Notice the standard boilerplate:

    "Young voters have been the energy behind Ron Paul (remember him?) He is still in the GOP race for President, apparently looking to impact the party platform. Had Paul chosen to be the nominee of the national Libertarian Party, he would have had the biggest impact of any third party candidate since Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996."

    The usual lines, that everyone's forgotten about him, that he only wants to impact the (Republican) party platform, and the tacit statement that Paul should have gone after the LP nomination so he could be more easily ignored.

    1. Yeah, you have to wade through a lot of the typical media BS, but the poll results can't be disputed.

  6. Ron Paul is constantly discredited if not 2012 then 2016 but I don't think the country could wait that long.
