Saturday, June 23, 2012

EPJ Week in Review

Below is what has been, posted, read and debated at EPJ, during the week ended 6-22-2012, Compiled by Chris Rossini..

Friday 6/22/12

Thursday 6/21/12

Wednesday 6/20/12

Tuesday 6/19/12

Monday 6/18/12

Sunday 6/17/12


    1. This is actually very helpful. I, like many other people, am a busy guy and can't always keep up with posts as they happen. Also, it kind of becomes a pain to go searching back through all of the posts, especially if you miss a day or two. Having them in a compiled format allows me to see them all at once and then page back to the list when I am done with a post. Lew Rockwell does this on his site, as well.

      Looks like Rossini is doing very well for you.

      1. No, thank you. Bob is a busy guy and he doesn't always want to or have the time to do some of the little things (I actually tried to get him to do the radio gig by himself). He always appears to find the right people for the various tasks he has lying around, and apparently this instance is no exception. Sure, it isn't difficult stuff or anything, but the little things rarely are. However, it is those little things that often make the difference between amateur and professional. Attention to detail will always prove successful in the long run.

    2. Now if EPJ Week in Review could be added as a feature of your website. has "Past 7 Days".

      1. EPJ Week in Review will appear every Saturday morning. It's not just a one-timer.

      2. And we will put a link on the right side column to the Review.

      3. Awesome! Thank you. Under Blog Achive?

    3. This is helpful. Anyway to put pageviews/rankings/comments/other stats? Something to gauge what's hot.
