Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Be Zombies for Romney

Lew Rockwell writes:

Hey, Ron Paul Supporters 
Come back(?) to the Republican party, you Ron grassroots. All is forgiven! Actually, we Republican neocons still hate your guts, but we want you to support warmongering fascist B as versus warmongering fascist A, because we hope to be on his payroll. There's a big difference, really. So get to it, and then shut up. Be Zombies for Romney.


  1. Do they truly believe that our memories are this short, that we've already forgotten what they did?!

    I hate to have to tell you this Republican establishment, but we aren't all just a bunch of potheads, we do have great memories. In fact, that is why we liked RP in the first place, he was consistent. Consistency is usually noticed by those with a great memory. We aren't just going to up and forget what you guys did to us all through the campaign. That just isn't going to happen.

    Not only that, but there are severe philosophical differences that go right to the core. Any principled libertarian would choose to either not vote at all, or to vote for Johnson, and even that is pushing it. Either way, I don't know a single libertarian worth his salt that is going to even *consider* voting for Romney. Not a single one!

    1. Here, here Joe. Anyone who votes for Romney was not a libertarian in the first place. They don't understand the first principles of libertarianism. What a failure on their part too, if they have not come to understand what our problems are, how we got to where we are now, and what Ron Paul stands for in the long-haul of solving those problems for a better future.

      It is a disgrace that millions of Americans have not come to understand the Federal Reserve, and what it has done to the well being of every person in this country, not to mention the world. Speaking about commodity money and free choice is akin to discussing matters of space travel with these people. The people who own this country seem hell-bent on turning this country into a garbage can in order to maintain their wealth and dominance, when in the long-run, they too, could benefit massively from individual freedom and free markets. Sure, they would lose short term (David Rockefeller's not going to live much longer), but the possibilities under a rebirth of freedom are endless.

  2. Mitt Romney, guess what? Fuck off.

    Do they really think we are that stupid?

  3. I Really wish I could have a calm civil discussion with this gentleman. Just to state the case for peace and a humble foreign policy. Not that I could convince him to switch sides on the issue, but so he could maybe just maybe understand just how serious the issue is to true libertarians.

    How can big government be bad everywhere except at the pentagon? How can any self respecting follower of the prince of peace be an advocate for war? How can the run around doing the terrible things it does in other countries and expect to be loved in those countries? Oil would be a lot cheaper if pulled the hell out.

    War is the health of the state.

    For you hardcore antiwar folks out there this is an incredible root cause analysis of the empire by a great Austrian...Joseph Salerno

  4. Not interested GOP. Either team wins we crash. At least if we do it on Obama's watch the "supposedly" free market won't take the rap. I won't vote for big spending, civil rights destroying, war mongering, criminals. Regardless of whether they wear an elephant or an ass.

    1. "Whoever wins, we lose."? So which is the party of predators, and which is the party of aliens?

    2. That's easy. Republicans are the predators of liberal-minded progressives; the Democrats favor illegal aliens.

  5. Ron Paul all the way, no substitutes accepted!

  6. Reading through the comments over there, I have to wonder what's going through those people's heads. Why they would think that bullying me and calling me names would make me align with them is beyond me. That hasn't worked since high school.

  7. Let's see, the GOP alienates Tea Partiers and Paul backers and offers up Romney, Obama cruises to a second term, and whose fault will it be? Watch the GOP start searching for scapegoats.

  8. My plan is to vote for Gary Johnson this fall. But reading articles like that make me want to go vote for Obama just so those a---oles can stick it where the sun don't shine.
