Wednesday, September 12, 2012

HOT: Is There Really a Sam Bacile?

News reports have indicated that the film mocking the Prophet Muhammad, that has resulted in outrage in the Muslim world and the attack on the U.S. embassy in Libya resulting in the death of U.S. Ambassador Stevens, was made by Sam Bacile. But is there really such a person?

U.K.'s Daily Mail reports:
A search is on for the man behind the 'blasphemous' film that branded Mohammed a fraud, pedophile and a womaniser and sparked deadly protests after records apparently reveal he does not exist.

The producer, whose movie led to demonstrations that left the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other American officials dead on Tuesday, claimed he was an Israeli Jew named Sam Bacile and living in California.

But his identity began to crumble as it emerged Israeli authorities had no records of him being a citizen, and there were no property, phone, license or court records of Bacile in California.
Despite claiming he had spent $5 million on the film, he also has virtually no footprint in the Hollywood community, has no agent listed on IMDBPro and no credits on any film or TV production.

Steve Klein, a consultant for the film, told the National that Bacile is not Israeli or Jewish and is in fact working under a pseudonym - but he does not know the man's real name.
It raises questions over the real identity of the man behind the 'offensive' film and his motives for creating a movie that promised to spark outrage - and death.

He claimed the two-hour movie cost $5 million and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors, who believe the film will help his native land by exposing Islam's flaws to the world.
The film "released" into the Muslim world on 9-11  is clearly designed to enrage the Muslim world, sort of like the way the 9-11 attacks enraged many in the U.S.

And now the filmmaker turns out to be a mystery man. Very interesting. 


  1. Nice. You just upped the False flag probability odds. Anyone want to put some silver on who ran the op?

    1. Hells no. It'd be a waste of silver.

    2. You bet he’s real. Timing staged for 911 to reinforce the ‘murderous Muslims’ meme.
      Incredible how fast the coordinated press runs to cover Israel’s back.

      The treasoner is real alright, just a little tranliteration glitch.

      Top newspaper in Israel:

      Here is an in depth interview with the filmmaker himself:
      http: //

      Here is Precedent:

  2. How many people in the US have been warning of a false flag near election time?

    It'd be a devious, brilliant, Dr. Evil sort of plan to release the film, recruit some "terrorists" to storm the embassy, kill a few folks, and lay a trail to... say... Iranian operatives.

  3. Just goes to show that whoever made it wasn't a complete moron because they knew there would be a backlash.

  4. "The film "released" into the Muslim world on 9-11 is clearly designed to enrage the Muslim world, sort of like the way the 9-11 attacks enraged many in the U.S."

    Am I reading this correctly, that you are equating the massive destruction and killing on 9/11 with the making of an irreverent, rude movie which killed and destroyed no one? Could you clarify how these are in any way parallel sources of rage, please?

    1. Because Jews are bad is my best guess. Isn't the bigger story here that some backward troglodytes in the middle east get their panties in such a bunch over a stupid movie? I'd say so. With that being said, does that mean we need to bomb, or make any kind of military reaction towards, them? Of course not. Leave them alone and hope to God, or whomever, that the more fundamental (read: real) Muslims start leaving the faith en masse.

  5. You have to be an Im Bacile to not see this for exactly what it is. This is how they run False Flag operations - and if no one responds on the other side, they carry it out "the hit" themselves. I'm guessing Mossad, it has their fingerprints all over it.

  6. Why Isreal? They want their Arabs to submit. Stirring them up by insulting Mohammed would get the Isrealis no end of trouble. No the only people who benefit by this is Al Queda, the bolsheviks of our time, and claiming its an US-Isreali production is a clever stroke.

    1. You hand no real knowledge of what al ciada is, do you sayanim?

    2. I have no idea of what you mean by sayanim and can't be bothered googling it but thanks for reminding me about the CIA's hand in the creation of an extremist Islamic to spread revolution and chaos through the soviet central asian republics. Unfortunately for the residents of the middle east, Al Queda has interpreted its brief a little wider that the CIA intended.

    3. This whole incident is designed to keep sticking pins into snakes so that the powers that run the world get these violent reactions. The blow up in Egypt and Libya benefits the US by creating further justification for the perpetual war on "terrorism" and the ever expanding police state.

  7. We still have no idea if there was an actual movie. All we have is a trailer. This whole thing smells rotten.

  8. Imbecile -- Sam bacile -- it's idiotic no matter how you look at it.

    1. Do you like Green Eggs & Ham?
      I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.
