Friday, September 14, 2012

Jesse Ventura: If the People Want Me, I Will Run for President in 2016

Don't miss the next Robert Wenzel Show, where my guest is Jesse Ventura.

On the show, Ventura announces that he will run for the presidency in 2016, if he sees enough grassroots support. Listen to the show to find out what benchmarks will have to be met before he agrees to jump in the race. Venture also talks about what he will do if he becomes president.

The show will be posted here at EPJ on Sunday at 7:00 AM ET.


  1. Given how bad a Governor he was in Minnesota why would anyone want him to run for dog catcher much less President.

    1. How was he a bad governor?

    2. An independent or libertarian? Nope. Whatever the DFL, the name the democrats use here in MN, wanted he gave them.

  2. I like Jesse Ventura for reasons which are not entirely clear to me. However, he doesn't stand a chance of becoming President. He doesn't even stand of chance of getting mainstream exposure. He isn't a Retardpublican and he isn't a Demagoguecrat, so no one will even notice him. Just Sayin'

    1. "I like Jesse Ventura for reasons which are not entirely clear to me."

      That's pretty funny, I feel the same way. As a kid I watched a lot of wrestling, so maybe that has something to do with it.

  3. So this is what I hear:

    "If a bunch of people across the country get out there and work hard for me for free, I might reward their efforts by seeking to capitalize on them. Maybe." Wow, that's great, Jesse. Hey, I'll go on record with the same magnanimous announcement. Work hard on my behalf for me, and I might do something or other, too.

    I respect the guy for not being just another drone, but he is an egomaniac and unfortunately also has some misguided ideas about, for example, labor unions.

  4. I would support Jesse's run, just because it would be entertaining as hell.

  5. I love Jesse and I'd support him enthusiastically. This guy is the real deal. He may not be an intellectual, but he has good sense and wouldn't be corrupted. That as good as we can ask for.

    For those saying he has no chance... well, imagine after the disastrous effects of Obama or Romney (probably Obama) how things will be. Jesse's message of "DemoCrips and ReBloodlicans" might catch on. It's a long shot, but don't count him out.
