Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mitt Romney on Obama Voters

Here's the video, where Romney talks about the 47% that won't vote for him. Note, he also says he needs 5% that are in the middle, which raises the question why did he go out of his way to piss off Ron Paul supporters at the Republican National Convention?


  1. I'll just leave this right here


  2. Thats the most honest thing I've ever heard Willard say.

  3. 'Note, he also says he needs 5% that are in the middle, which raises the question why did he go out of his way to piss off Ron Paul supporters at the Republican National Convention?'

    Because Romney say he wants 5% from the "middle." Ron Paul supporters are nowhere near the middle. Thus no matter what lie he would have tried to lure them with, they would have seen through it. However, there are 5% or more from the 47% that "belong" to Obama which Romney can attract with his message, as at its core it's scarcely different from his opponents.

  4. 'Note, he also says he needs 5% that are in the middle, which raises the question why did he go out of his way to piss off Ron Paul supporters at the Republican National Convention?'

    Romney does not want to win. He's playing patty-cake with Obama, much like John McCain did in 2008. I don't think anyone who looks at this fiasco of candidates can really argue that Romney is serious about winning. Romney is simply not a serious candidate. He can't offer a substantive difference because there is no substantive difference. Merely shades of grey. It is simply about keeping the illusion alive that we have a two party system.
