Friday, September 21, 2012

Poll Numbers in Key Swing States

It's all Obama.

Fox News has it:

The President +5 in FLA. (29 electoral votes), +7 in OH (18), +7 in VA (13).

CNN has it:

 The President +8 in MI (16), +14 WI (10).

NBC/WSJ has it:

The President +5 in WI, +5 in CO (9).


  1. Romney is so fake there's no way the president can lose against him.

  2. The Republicans made a big mistake in not nominating Ron Paul. With the economy as bad as it is, Romney should be up at least 10 points on Obama. Instead, it looks like he is getting his butt kicked. In particular, notice how badly Romney is doing in WI--the home of Scott Walker and Paul Ryan.

    1. America had a rare choice in the likes of Ron Paul, someone that simply wanted to try and return the nation to what some believe made it great, sound money, not being perpetually in war mode, and cutting the size of goverment. This was not palatable to the special interests that line up sweetheart contracts for their overseers(and lock out competition), and masses, many of whom receive a govt. benefit(or work for govt). So the Special Interest pimps and masses chose to stick with the wrong pill, a pill that is fast leading to economic collapse and war. But the pill has dwindling pain relieving capabilities(rendered by the Fed, other govt. tricks to keep the facade going a bit longer), so they will take the Pill until it no longer works.

    2. They are not making a mistake at all, from their perspective. They would actually prefer to lose with Romney than win with Paul. They would rather any anti-freedom candidate win, even if their team were to somehow field a pro-freedom candidate.

      GOP talk host Hugh Hewitt admitted that if Ron Paul won the nomination, he'd vote for Obama

      So would Newt Gingrich

    3. Even better, they'll blame their loss on "uncooperativ Ron Paul supporters.

    4. I'd say, more telling: look how badly he's doing in MI, home of George W. Romney (Governor of Michigan, 1963–69).

      For that matter, I wouldn't be surprised seeing these numbers in MA, either.

  3. Weird referring to Obama as "the president" instead of Obama, it's a very Nixonian way of campaigning.

  4. Are there intelligent analyses comparing Obama's lead to Carter's? I've seen a couple of analyses, but they struck me as superficial or emotional.

    Romney's deplorable weakness notwithstanding, could these poll numbers simply be manufactured by a wishful media complex? It is surreal that a president could be re-elected under these circumstances. That suggest not only the extent of the intellectual rot of the electorate, but the breadth of the crookedness and delusion.

    Methinks we have gone so far in so short a generation. Just yesterday we were voting for Reagan and Thatcher. Reagan and Thatcher were in no way libertarians, but by contrast to today's politicians they were towering stalwarts of freedom. "Repeal and replace?" To think our best political hope is the dude who created Obamacare and who promises to replace it with ... what could undoubtedly only be something worse. Look at his track record.

    1. No wonder you're anonymous.

    2. Dunno. If the news is a lie, maybe the polls are too.
      But it's all boob bait for the bubbas. Both candidates are Establishment. Do you want the hipster or the conservative?

  5. The voting majority are just stupid filthy little publik skewl parasites. They are going to vote themselves into serfdom and they are all too stupid to even realize it. Got Gold? Got land outside the the Fascist terror camp USSA?
