Friday, September 7, 2012

The Amazing Krugman Can Spin It Anyway It Needs to be Spun

On April 30, his book was published that said we were in a depression: End This Depression Now.

He wrote:
 Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge—all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all—remain in a state of intense pain.
He argued in the book that a major new stimulus would be required to get the economy going. That stimulus has not occurred, but the skies are all blue now anyway, he says.

Forget what he wrote in his book, hey, that was four months ago. Now that the book hustling is over and he wants to help President Obama get re-elected, the economy is all moving in the right direction. He writes today:
The next four years are likely to be much better than the last four years — unless misguided policies create another mess... By late 2009, measures of financial stress were more or less back to normal... 
This return to financial normalcy did not, however, produce a robust recovery....And here’s the good news: The forces that have been holding the economy back seem likely to fade away in the years ahead. 


  1. I want some of whatever he's smokin'

  2. This man is pathological on a whole other level and a sociopath to boot.

  3. Krugman is a useless economist, but a very good marketeer.

  4. This is rich. Boy, I can't wait to see kRUGman eat crow.

  5. What unadulterated nonsense. I keep telling my liberal friends that mainstream economists are all politicized, but they won't listen.

    1. Simple mind tend to have that problem. Morons will always be morons. They're as big of oxygen thieves as

  6. Maybe the Greek guy cleaning toilets in Sweden can switch places with Krugman. The Greek guy really does understand the failures of Keynesianism, firsthand. He would make a great addition to the NYT (New York Toilet). And, Krugman would get an extended whiff of his own medicine. Flush on!

  7. Some economic analysis from Krugman..."The forces that have been holding the economy back seem likely to fade away in the years ahead"

    What does that even mean?

    1. The animal spirits will turn from a lazy hippopotamus into a raging lion!
