Friday, October 12, 2012

"Vice President Biden is laughing ... are you?"

This is quick. A new Republican web ad details Joe Biden laughing and smirking at Paul Ryan throughout Thursday night's vice presidential debate. Of course, all politicians laugh and smirk in private after they raise taxes and increase government controls. Biden is just dumb enough to be told to do it in public by his handlers and to follow through.

The ad should say, "Politicians are laughing...are you?"


  1. Biden was only following the advice of Nietzsche who said "A horse laugh is worth a thousand syllogisms."

    1. I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

      You are using the wrong end of the horse do describe Biden.

  2. What the hell is so funny anyway?

    1. His teleprompter informed him the EU won the Nobel Peace Prize.

    2. He's laughing because he has the power and money, and we don't.

  3. I couldn't watch this debate more than a few seconds. I can't stand being lied too, which is what both are doing, even if they believe their lies. The Romney camp would have us believe that they can cut taxes, increase military spending and cut discretionary spending and somehow things will magically work out. On the other hand we have Obama telling us essentially that to save the middle class he needs a meager $50bil/yr more in taxes from "the rich" and somehow that puts us back on track. But it gets even better, when he goes full retard and proposes cutting the biggest provider of high paying middle class jobs...defense. You have to be an f'n retard to get into the crap either of these two are spewing. In many ways this is exactly what the American people want to hear from their leaders since they've been taught since day one that there is nothing government can't fix.

  4. I didn't see the debates, don't have the stomach for that kind of pointless political theater, but the fact is that Joe Biden is an egotistical motor mouthed blowhard. He's always been that way. The man is an insufferably arrogant prick. So is his boss.

  5. Seems to me you either have to laugh at politicians when they speak or cry.
