Monday, October 8, 2012

Why You Need to Hate the Washington Nationals

It's Ben Bernanke's favorite team. Below, he pets one of the players.


  1. They love it when you scratch behind their ears!

    1. Capn Mike just captured the stupidity of the average ball player, the master slave relationship between Bernanke with all he encounters, and the bread/circus nature of the whole spectacle in only 8 words. I've been admiring your comments for awhile sir, but that one is the new leader in the clubhouse.

  2. Wonder if that player checked his pockets afterwards...He should have.

  3. I say this as I'm about to walk down to the O's-Yankees ALDS game: I've never wanted a team to lose more than the Washington Nationals. They have no real fans. Their stadium was built in a commercial real estate bubble area. There's no a decent bar within reasonable stumbling distance. That parking garage they built in left, obstructing the only good thing the team had -- a view of Mordor, is hideous. And when they play the O's, the stadium is 80% orange.

    Peter Angelos is right; there's no such thing as a nationals fan. The only way they sell tickets is by shaking down the lobbyists for a box or field box seats.

    Go Anyone Playing the Nationals!!!!

  4. The Cardinals dumped runs on the Nationals faster than Bernanke could dump money on the economy.

    (Lame joke I know but someone had to say it.)

  5. Haters gonna hate. I'm from DC and I'm glad the Nats are the best team in the league.

    1. "Haters gonna hate"

      How old are you?
      Did you get this from your Public School?

    2. Yeah, really. That idiotic phrase has gotten REAL OLD.

    3. Morons gonna moron.

  6. The Bernank looks like he could bench press a whole 15 pounds. This man suffers from 'small man syndrome'. "I will keep printing until I kill the middle class or until I am proven right." The most dangerous man in government and not elected to office.

    1. Noticed this too. He looks like a little boy.

  7. Ben's shaking hands with Ryan Zimmerman, and I'm guessing this photo was taken about the same time Zimm started having throwing troubles. Bernanke, stay away from my boy!

  8. If he starts rooting for the Capitals I'm gonna have a dilemma.
