If my interview of Gary Johnson didn't convince you that Johnson doesn't understand the importance of liberty and how to apply it consistently, consider this. The word comes from James Ostrowski that Johnson has endorsed FEMA. Here's Ostrowski with the news and an explanation of why there are gas lines in NYC:
Contrary to what politicians such as Romney, Gary Johnson, Obama and Chris Christie would say, it's during emergencies when you need liberty the most. (Thanks to "Baldy" Harper for that insight.) Here's an object lesson. New York has a silly law making it illegal to raise prices during an emergency. It's almost beside the point that the law itself is unintelligible.
The effect of the law is to dissuade firms such as gas stations from raising prices during times of scarcity so that those consumers who most urgently need gas, e.g., cardiac surgeons on route to the ER, can get it, while retired persons with no urgent business, but who merely get a warm and fuzzy feeling in the pit of their stomachs from having a full tank, will be encouraged by the price system to wait a few days to indulge their whim.
This theory is being played out in New York City where there are long lines and shortages of gas. Again, the point is, and since Gary Johnson has endorsed FEMA (the horror!), there is no presidential candidate to proclaim this vital principle--it is during disasters, wars, emergencies and storms that we need liberty the most. Dictatorship does not work except for the dictators.
Just another politician.
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't be allowed to run for president if it didn't make pro-state statements. Elections in Amerika are a sick joke staged by the global central bankster murdering criminals.
ReplyDeleteSadly, Johnson is simply just another pandering politician. Johnson real desires are the wealth and power obtained by being a politician.
ReplyDeletelibertarians agree on 95% of everything but spend 95% of their time disagreeing on the 5%.
ReplyDeletelol. Word.
DeleteThis is why 'libertarians' can't get it together in enough numbers to actually elect somebody that might change things, because they discredit and eject anybody who isn't a 100% pure clone of their Ideal (whether RP, Rothbard, Rand .. whoever)
And note that I personally consider myself 'libertarian', I suppose more than anything else. I'm just scratching my head in amusement wondering how all of these purists are ever going to make even the slightest dent in anything as a result.
Just make sure no one finds out about all the welfare Ron Paul gives to his district. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/07/22/276281/ron-paul-spending-quadrupled/?mobile=nc
ReplyDeleteI've missed your take on Ron Paul on any of these free-market-capitalism-cum-libertarian sites/blogs before this post. How come you're showing up now? And using ThinkProgress (and Mother Jones) articles?
DeleteOh, and aren't the comments to your linked article even more enlightening, in that hoodwinking doesn't take too much here in the Age of the Internet Reformation...
P.S. And me, it swept right by me that the article was written by "Guess Blogger". How sad, how head-shakening sad.
DeleteRon doesn't give welfare to his district. He votes against the spending bills, but if the bills pass, the money is going to be spent whether he likes it or not. So he actively seeks to recover that money for his district. Otherwise, it would be up to the President to spend it as he sees fit. If Ron refused to take the money for his district, the voters would have thrown him out long ago, and deservedly so. It would be like you refusing to claim your tax refund because it was "welfare."
Delete@Mark H, exactly.
DeleteIf Ron Paul were running, I'd vote for him without hesitation. However, since he's not, my plan is to vote for Gary Johnson. I realize he's not Ron Paul but we're NEVER going to find another Ron Paul. There's a saying that "good is the enemy of great". I think Gary Johnson is overall pretty darn good (end the wars, balance the budget, end the fed, end the drug wars, etc). And it's not even comparable how much better he is than Obama and Romney (who, as another poster pointed out, are "global central bankster murdering criminals").
ReplyDeleteI know you mean well Mr. Wenzel but I think Gary Johnson is not only the best available option but, generally speaking, a pretty good one at that. Of course, this assumes that he's sincere w/ his words.
Is not voting really a better option? Why not send a message that the population supports non-mainstream candidates?
Right, I don't have to agree with everything Johnson says to vote for him. That's a strawman. I'll always argue anarcho-capitalist principles. Even Ron Paul has said wrong things in the past, like that immigration is bad because it brings down wages.
DeleteGary Johnson did very well as Gov of NM.
DeleteI watched a Gary Johnson speech recently and was pleasantly surprised to see him coming out strongly in favor of competing currencies, which would lead to the end of the Fed monopoly. What other politician in America (besides Ron Paul) is taking this position? And what other politician is proposing a 43% cut in military spending? (Ron Paul only proposed a 15% cut in his Plan to Renew America.) I say cut the guy some slack.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I agree.
ReplyDeleteSo you say that someone said that Johnson endorsed FEMA? Nice investigative journalism there. Well my sister says he doesn't. QED
ReplyDeleteAre you calling James Ostrowski's report false? The man is a regular commentator, and there is no indication that he fabricates his reports.
DeleteHere's the source for Gary's position on FEMA. http://reason.com/blog/2012/10/30/gary-johnson-says-he-would-liberalize-im
ReplyDeleteGary Johnson uttered the name "Ron Paul" he's got my vote.
ReplyDeleteAnd the insanity continues of libertarians in-fighting. Instead of focusing on what you don't agree with him on, focus what you do.
ReplyDelete>People expecting carbon clones of what they want in a politician