Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Paris: The City of Darkness?

The power-freak commies now running France want to shut off the lights in Paris.

Helene Fouquet at Bloomberg reports:
Paris’s legendary label as the “City of Light” may soon lose some of its luster.

The French minister for energy and environment unveiled last week a proposal for lights in and outside shops, offices, and public buildings -- including the flagship Louis Vuitton store and the Lido cabaret house on Paris’s Avenue des Champs Elysees -- to be turned off between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. starting in July. The plan, to be applied across French cities, towns and villages, is aimed at saving energy and money and showing “sobriety,” Minister Delphine Batho said.
They really should not only shutoff the lights at government buildings, but close the buildings permanently. The private sector should be left alone, free of this madness.

If this proposal goes into law, expect crime in the city of darkness to soar, street criminals love the darkness, just as much as the government does.

(ht David Stinson)


  1. This is what happens when supply costs and/or demand rises for a publicly-provided commodity. The consumer is excoriated for his wastefulness, berated for his unwillingness to pay higher taxes, and rationing ensues. As usual, Rothbard explained all of this.

  2. Comparing the government to street criminals is an insult to street criminals.

  3. All I want for Christmas is the truth.

    “Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

  4. What does one even say to this, didn't the French president also just raise taxes excessively on the wealthy? And hasn't there been an exodus of millionaires? This is going to happen all over the western world as gov't becomes more desperate to eat the productive class, how long before its either all socialized, or collapses? The productive class cannot continue to feed the parasites in society, it's going to come to a head in the next 3-5 years, bankruptcy and break up of the EU and the US seem inevitable at this point. I for one am happy to see both relegated to the dust bin of history, nation states have been a disaster for avg people throughout history, just ask the Germans, Russians, Mexicans.....the list is endless

  5. One would have to be a stupid psychopath to want to live in Paris. The residence are barely human cockroaches. They will be happy under communism...seriously!
