Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ben Stein: A Second Holocaust Is Likely

In a remarkable column, Ben Stein pretty much states that Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense will mean that Israel will be annihilated in a nuclear attack (I don't think that even Rand Paul is going this far, and he really wants the vote of the 51st state). Stein writes:
You really cannot, in fairness, blame President Obama for naming “Chuck” Hagel, one of the most clearly anti-Israel, anti-Semitic members of the Senate (or ex-members in his case) to be Secretary of Defense. President Obama has not changed his views on Israel since his first speech at the Democrat convention in 2004, when he made it clear that his sympathies in the Middle East lay with the Palestinians. In a way, you have to admire his consistency. Of course, he has to pay lip service to Israel when he visits Miami Beach, but how he must laugh at the audiences that applaud him.
And this:
I hope the people who are supporting Chuck Hagel know that by confirming him, they are cementing at 100 percent that odds that Iran will get a nuclear capability without U.S. interference. Whether Israel can survive an Islamic bomb is questionable at best. This means a vote to confirm Mr. Hagel is a vote that expresses no interest in whether Israel survives.
And this:
As a student of anti-Semitism in Europe before, during, and after the Holocaust, no amount of hatred and loathing for Jews surprises me. Americans who do love Israel should be aware, though, that it is growing much more likely by the moment that there will be a second Holocaust.
And this:
I suspect that Mr. Obama will get away with his contempt for Israel, and that the same Jews who have always put the party line ahead of Israel will still support him. If Iran kills two million Jews in an afternoon (God forbid!) they will find a way to blame George W. Bush.
Poor Israel, poor beleaguered Israel, abandoned by so many people who call themselves Jewish, so alone, so terribly alone.


  1. Ben Stein was so classy that he called Ron Paul "anti-semetic" for explaining the "blowback" theory of Islamic terrorism. If they had been in the same room, Ron Paul might have violated the NAP.


    1. I was reminded of the same thing as I read Stein's words. Of course, all of his rantings are designed to scare us into supporting the murder of 2 million Iranians instead.

      What a loathsome human being.

  2. Ben Stein is pathetic.....go fuck yourself WARMONGER!

  3. "Poor Israel, poor beleaguered Israel, abandoned by so many people who call themselves Jewish, so alone, so terribly alone."

    Pathetic. He sounds unhinged.

  4. Ben Stein is a nutcase, and his voice puts people to sleep.

    I can still remember the image of the drooling, sleeping student in a class taught by a character played by Stein in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

    That's really the only reaction he deserves.

  5. How can you believe that Israel will be annihilated by a nuclear strike? Are not the Arab brothers of Iran inextricably intermingled? If Israel would buckle down to living alongside its Arab cousins there would be NO more problem.

    1. Having lived in the middle east, I find your ignorance of middleasterners, and therr desire to destroy Israel, disturbing.

  6. I thought for a moment that Stein was predicting a Lutheran, Catholic and Episcopalian revolt in the US over the gun issue and the scapegoating of Jewish pols who ate leading the charge to disarming rural whites.

    My bag. He's bullshitting about Israel again!

  7. Chuck Hagel is not an Israeli minion holding the Protestant Evangelical worldview that placing Israel before the United States is making way for the second coming. Ironically, U.S. foreign policy of unconditional Israeli support is decimating the Christian Population of the Middle East. What does Rand Paul believe after his pilgrimage?

    1. Are you suggesting that Christ (who Christians believe is God in the flesh) will be unable to come to earth again as a result of US foreign policy? If so, that's a pretty limiting characteristic of an all powerful being who rose from the dead. I sure hope Christians don't believe this way.

      Rand Paul still believes in the gradual end to the aid to Israel. This is apparently not acceptable to the GOP mainstream.

    2. Great stuff Ben! Anyone who DARES suggest Americans shouldn't fight and die for the Jewish Socialist state of Israel is an AntiSemite. You don't expect Israelis to fight their own battles when they have us, do you? That'd be crazy!

  8. Quite some leaps of logic there. Here we go: confirming Chuck Hagel = Iran gets the bomb = Iran Nukes Israel = Holocaust. Ergo Confirming Chuck Hagel = Holocaust.

  9. Sadly, in all his points on this topic, Stein is fairly close to accurate. Obama, like most Blacks, is an anti-Semite. Again, like most Blacks he has a greater tolerance for Islam than is normal for people.

    The only real question is whether Obama hates the Jews because Israel is an American ally or whether he hates America because we're an Israeli ally.

    1. Yes. Obama shows real tolerance for Islam by bombing kids with his drones, and for going out of his way to have a muslim and his son assassinated without evidence or a fair trial. With tolerance like that, who needs enemies?

      The only real question is not whether Obama is anti-Jewish or anti-American (although he could be both), but whether your love for Israel is so great that you stop caring about what is actually best for America.
      It is, after all, America's 51st state, right?

      Of course, you probably still think muslims hate America for its "freedoms".

    2. "Obama, like most Blacks, is an anti-Semite."

      Generalization fallacy. Please provide justification for claim, particularly examples of such, cite sources.

      "Again, like most Blacks he has a greater tolerance for Islam than is normal for people."

      Again, generalization fallacy. Please quantify what quantity is "normal" as well as how you reached such a figure.

      "The only real question is whether Obama hates the Jews because Israel is an American ally or whether he hates America because we're an Israeli ally."

      Extrapolation from false premises fallacy. Again, produce sources justifying your declarations.

    3. He just hates America and all it represents.

    4. Stop with the generalizations. This is a libertarian site and not a progressive or neocon site where that kind of stuff is accepted as a part of a valid argument.

    5. What are you talking about, Willis?

  10. Ben Stein is clearly retarded. Yet people have condemned the late Joseph Sobran for saying that Jewish lobbyists/Israel wield an inordinate influence over America's foreign policy. It's obviously true, and whether or not that was an original goal of establishing Israel, that has been the result: too much political control/involvement in the Middle East, resulting in poverty, plunder and death.

    The older I get and the more I watch this whole evil "game" go on, the more class I shed. I hope the worst things imaginable happen to Ben Stein. I won't pick them, but I hope every talking shithead on television has the shittiest life possible. I hope every living president has a painful, shitty life. Instead of being a boon, I hope the graft they continue to receive somehow becomes the most painful reminder that they've used their humanity to become more worthless than a used diaper.

    I abhor the wanton use of "antisemitism" more than I can express. It cannot be counted how often it has been maliciously used to destroy nonviolent enemies, both private and political. All honest people, Jewish and otherwise, know the power it has held over people's thoughts and speech. It is one of the lowest ways to underhandedly hurt people who are no more guilty of discrimination than any discerning person making choices of association.

    Some of my ancestors are from Ireland. I've never suggested America's spending and foreign policy should revolve around that country. The English have treated the Irish very badly over many centuries. Private American citizens can speak out or donate to causes they believe in. In no way should the U.S. have deep political entanglements with any other country.

    If Ben Stein weren't a douchebag, he would tell the public all of this, and push for a foreign policy that Ron Paul could endorse.

  11. Ben Stein is 100% correct in his analysis.
    It is sad that most people either don't care or passively / actively support this outcome.
    Fortunately, Israel is capable of protecting itself - too bad haters !

    1. If Israel is capable of protecting itself, and I agree that it is, how exactly will ending America's one-sided support result in a second holocaust?

    2. If Israel is capable of protecting itself, then Ben Stein is 100% WRONG in his analysis, dumbass.

      You can't have it both ways.

    3. Sorry I don't buy it. In my view to date, Israel has always persecuted Palestinians and other "neighbors." The Israeli's have been aggressors for a long time.

    4. Me: I'm curious Anonymous. What has the state of Israel ever done to DESERVE our help?

      Anonymous: "You mean you have to deserve help?"

      Me: That is what I mean.

    5. Tell you what. You want to protect Israel, go ahead. Volunteers for the IDF I think are still accepted. I also think you can get Israeli citizenship that way. Don't you tell me I'm supposed to live in constant danger or spend MY taxpayer dollars on something YOU want.

      Got it?

  12. The hysteria about Chuck Hagel has nothing to do with Israel, and Stein knows that. Instead, it is about the neoconservative military-industrial complex facing imminent cuts in the defense budget. The MIC wants a DefSec that will fight Congress and delay imposition of the cuts - even if that means having to start another pointless war. Chuck Hagel, a decorated combat veteran, will not bow to their power, and when ordered to do so, he will take a hatchet to the defense budget. That's what this is all about.

  13. Meanwhile I'm skeptical that there was ever really a first one..

    1. Interesting question and historical inquiry has been done but this subject is generally held out as very taboo. Stating the obvious here . . .
      Personally I am glad I have looked into this a bit

  14. This has been Obamas play all along. By nominating Hagel, after letting the rumor mill grind on for a month, Obama looks reaaonable, peaceful, anti war and anti settlement, all in contrast to the predictable neo con reactions. As an added bonus, he gets to look like he wants to be bi-partisan, even if he only reaches across the isle when there is already some consensus, at least behind closed doors.

  15. If Israel is protected by God, but God is ineffective, so the United States has to step in, doesn't that make the U.S. more powerful than God? If Obama is the "leader" of the U.S., shouldn't Ben Stein be worshiping him?

  16. As an American, I figure at this point I can speak for many when I say I'm f***ing sick of hearing about f***ing Israel.

    1. Yup. They should stand on their own feet and deal with their own problems. They are not the 51st state nor are they God.

  17. I use to think the powers that be (other than those at the tippy-top) were relatively well-meaning, but just horribly confused.

    You simply can't make mistakes that are that irresponsible and off-the-mark without a bad heart and a desire to control your fellow man.

  18. America is beginning to wake up.

  19. So if mexico lobbed thousands of missile at the U.S all you libtards would say live and let live huh? Their is no doubt liberalism is a mental disorder.Their was no such thing as Palestine until the Roman empire decided to call it that .The so called Palestinians are Bedouin Arabs from trans- Jordan in fact the Gaza strip is occupied Egyptian land.These so called Palestinian people will not by their own admission make peace with Israel.Their one and only goal is the complete annihilation of every single Jew.But the the truth is that's what you racist liberals want to.
